
Vermont Man Running FAA Urged To Support States’ Rights To Shoot Down Drones

The Vermont resident in charge of the Federal Aviation Administration – which has some oversight over drone operation – is on the hot seat as the NY/ northern New Jersey Drone Mystery continues. A Pennsylvania state senator told Michael Whitaker of Norwich she will introduce a resolution allowing states to destroy drones deemed a threat.  … Read more

Constitution American states

Make America States Again

From a vantage point of long years, now reaching 88, I believe the key to MAGA achievement is to: “MAKE AMERICA STATES AGAIN (MASA).” Our Constitutional Republic structure, called Federalism“was wisely summed up by James Madison : Powers of federal government are few and defined, the states have unlimited powers. We see this trend of … Read more

James Madison: Four Steps to Stop Federal Programs

Writing in Federalist #46, James Madison provided a 4-step strategy to bring down federal programs without waiting for the federal government to limit its own power.

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wedding rings marriage Photo by Zoriana Stakhniv on Unsplash

The New Respect for Marriage Act — Where Does It Fit As Federal Legislation?

Cameron Kegan’s article “Why Any Federal Law Defining Marriage Is Unconstitutional” was published at GraniteGrok.com on December 13, the very day Biden signed the new federal law “Respect for Marriage Act.”

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US Supreme Court Building Wash DC

Would a Federal Law Legalizing Abortion Survive the Supreme Court?

Leading Democrats have announced they want a federal statute overruling state laws that restrict abortion. In other words, they want Congress to legalize nearly unrestricted abortion nationwide. Obviously, such a law would intrude into an area of social policy traditionally left to the states.

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Elementary school boy with rifle in class 1956 Caveman Circus

States Cannot Be Compelled to Use Resources to Enforce Federal Laws

Another example of how the Left is consistently inconsistent was presented by a letter to the editor from Eric Taussig replying to Rep. Richard Littlefield in regard to HB 1178. This bill, recently signed into law by Governor Sununu, will prevent New Hampshire authorities from enforcing any federal gun-grabbing laws passed in D.C.

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UN United Nations Logo

Global Pandemic Treaty Must Be Stopped

Americans ought to ask why the Biden Administration is moving to amend International Health Regulations (IHR) to give global unaccountable bureaucrats authority to license the Center for Disease Control to justify detaining American citizens?

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Strings attached Business People Connected By Strings

Will Republican Gov. Chris Sununu Sell out NH’s Sovereignty for a Bucket of Biden Bucks?

Right on schedule, just like I knew would happen, along comes NH Governor Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu to show us where his heart is – he is ready to take Biden’s COVID bribe and toss NH under the bus.

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Ken Wyler Is Right – Biden’s COVID Money Just Another Attack on Federalism

The Federal Government is almost ALWAYS taxing We the People and filtering it through the DC bureaucracy. They then send it back to us (after taking their cut) but with strings attached. Sometimes those strings are just strings but they are often as thick as bridge cables.

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Smuggling and illegal immigration

How The States Can End the Illegal Alien Invasion

Several years ago, when then-President Obama was allowing Illegal Aliens to invade our Nation pretty much without restraint, I wrote Arizona Governor Jan Brewer a letter.  The letter spoke of Article I of the U.S. Constitution section 10, paragraph 4. Here is the paragraph as per our Constitution:

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Kiss the ring

Will Gov. Sununu Grow a Spine or Kiss the Ring

Game of Thrones pushed the phrase ‘ bend the knee‘ into the popular consciousness. It means to acquiesce to power to save your neck, even if just for the moment. Another is “kiss the ring.” Wiktionary defines this as “An allusion to a traditional manner of expressing obeisance to a bishop (especially the pope) or king.”

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Gerry Mandering

‘Not Our Job to Allocate Political Power’ – SCOTUS Won’t Intervene in Gerrymandering

US Courts mess with political power daily, so this is probably little more than a hiccup. But the US Supreme court just said it wouldn’t interfere in State level issues with gerrymandered districts. At least for today, this is not their job.

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Want To End Federal Corruption?

Power is the fuel of corruption. Do you think that corruption, fraud and abuse at the federal level are a serious problem? Are lobbyists and bureaucrats the movers of the levers of power? Do you think the current system undermines the will of the people while at the same time growing the bank accounts of … Read more

A Patriotic “New Years” Resolution – Resolve To Be Free From Tyranny

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence day, which I did not in my previous post with the Declaration of Independence.  I also wanted to mention the strange feeling that I awoke with today.

I think I know what the second or third generations of conquered nations felt like; remembering the “old ways” out of deference to our ancestors or as a way of expressing defiance.  You can see the history in your own past, that of friends and neighbors, places and days, stories told, in objects and heirlooms.  You can even smell it and hear it.  But you can’t quite remember it.  That is how I felt when I woke up. Unfocused. Not certain of where the path was that I am looking for.

But I am not a “Sunshine Patriot.”  Most of my activism has occurred during these dark hours of the Obama years.  I didn’t have to be afraid of the Socialists hiding in the bushes.  They have been running my country under the cover of a propaganda media.   And despite these odds I am here, on the front line, every day, investing my own time and effort to promote a different message.   And I am not alone.  Everyone here at GraniteGrok is doing the same thing.  And at blogs all over the country.  And that is the message.  No matter what is set before us, we are not going quietly.  We will not just shout in the darkness.  We will instead light another candle to push back the infringing pall of tyranny just a little bit longer.  But we need your help.

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Obamacare…and a Letter to the Editor sent to the Wall Street Journal

Yesterday, in fact. I figure it’s hasn’t got a snowball’s chance of getting printed in the WSJ, so what the hell, I’ll publish it here: Editor: You note that under Obamacare the states “would no longer a independent and autonomous units with the federalist system but agents of Washington.” Quelle surprise! The states have long been relegated … Read more

Health Care Compact – a talk with Matt Murphy

Health Care CompactAt this point, most of us are well aware of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (referred to by most, including the ‘Grok, as Obamacare).  But did you know that other than the 26 States and other private entities that are suing to block the complete implementation of Obamacare (for mostly Constitutional overreach by the Federal Government), that there is a nascent movement called the Health Care Compact.  Instead of being a top-down, DC-centric, command-and-control, one-size-fits-all  monstrosity, this is a voluntary, state-level alternative to the Obamacare tax.  The essence of it is:

The Constitution established a federal government, but with limited and enumerated powers, and reserved to the states or to the people those powers not granted to the federal government. One power that properly belongs at the state level is the power to regulate Health Care. However, the federal government has preempted state action in this area.

The Health Care Compact is an interstate compact – which is simply an agreement between two or more states that is consented to by Congress – that restores authority and responsibility for health care regulation to the member states (except for military health care, which will remain federal), and provides the funds to the states to fulfill that responsibility.

The Health Care Compact does not conflict with the efforts by state attorneys general, state legislators and members of congress to repeal or modify the health care bill.

Instead of Washington taking the money from taxpayers, having a maelstrom of unaccountable and unelected boards, committees, and bureaus creating regulation after regulation and forcing compliance upon the States, citizens, and healthcare providers, this simply is having Congress block grant

I had a discussion with Matt Murphy on this – and why it matters to NH and why we should consider it to be important:

Part 1:

Part 2:

The bill to implement the Health Care Compact in NH is HB1560 and is sponsored by NH House Majority Leader DJ Bettencourt and NH State Senator Chuck Morse.  It is currently in the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee.  It is clear that the Liberals / Progressives / Statists want this to go down in flames to protect Obamacare – they are putting a lot of political pressure both the House Leadership (Speaker O’Brien and NH House Majority Leader DJ Bettencourt and the committee members.  Drop them a line and let them know they have some help behind them!

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Reuters Headline: What The?

Reuters is referring to DOMA, the defense of marriage act, which is not an anti-gay marriage law. It does not prevent a state from passing a same sex marriage law. It is a federal law that allows states to define marriage for themselves and does not require them to recognize any form of marriage which the majority of that states residents may object to.

New Hampshire Needs To Go Into Rehab

“…state governments learn to rely to much on federal handouts as well. New Hampshire democrats just “balanced” the state budget with more debt and millions in federal money that’s not even there. So now they’ll have to get someone to put it back or their budget will not be “in balance,” like some crack whore begging for another hit.”

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