America’s Own Bogeyman-in-Chief

Although a bogeyman is often thought of as a mythical creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior, it is sometimes used as a non-specific personification for terror, and in some cases, the Devil. So, let’s look at the following information complied by Judicial Watch (, and largely confirmed by other outlets such … Read more

Kuster, Soros, Arafat & J Street- Birds of a Feather

Most of our “old sayings” usually have origins in fact and historical experience. Thus, we know that birds of a feather stick together. We also know that a person is judged by the company they keep. And the friend of my enemy is my enemy. When the US Congress recently considered resolutions condemning the BDS … Read more

The Brennan Center: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing!

It would be my guess that not many people in New Hampshire have heard or know much about the Brennan Center organization whose representatives recently appeared in Concord to lobby our legislators into adopting a bill creating a so-called unelected “independent” redistricting commission for our state. Fortunately, Governor Sununu has vetoed that bill, leaving the … Read more

The Company the Brothers Koch Keep …

From the BOSTON GLOBE: In one of the most remarkable partnerships in modern American political history, Soros and Charles Koch, the more active of the two brothers, are joining to finance a new foreign-policy think tank in Washington. It will promote an approach to the world based on diplomacy and restraint rather than threats, sanctions, … Read more

The DNC Mail Bag or is That The DNC D-Bag?

From the Desk of the DNC This weekend, the Koch Brothers are holding a secret gathering of billionaires to plot their strategy to buy the election. They plan to throw millions — if not billions — of Big Oil money into Super PACs to smear the President and Democrats across the country No offense but … Read more

Charlie Bass…”Leader of the PAC”

by Tom

400019-100px.jpg According to this posting on (yes, we give credit/link when we reference the Libs’ blogs, even though they don’t credit us), Charlie Bass leads the "pack" in NH CD-2 for…wait for it… PAC campaign donations.  41% of total, to be clear.

Even before you see the evidence, do you really doubt this claim?  You shouldn’t.

Aside from Altria (formerly Philip-Morris), and the Republican Majority for Choice, one of Charlie’s more notable PAC contributors is the Republican Main Street Partnership PAC.  Charlie has been the President and CEO, as well as Board Member, of the self-described "centrist" group that this PAC supports.  The RMSP PAC also states that they are an "incumbent protection PAC".

Dudes!  Don’t you see the anti-incumbency storm coming on, hard and fast??  Every time I read about the squishy RMSP, I see more and more cluelessness.

I just checked the RMSP website and I no longer see Charlie listed as the President, as they recently elected Tom Davis (R-VA) to this position.  And, I find it odd that he disappears completely from the leadership of this organization during a primary race, when moderates all run right, and Charlie irreverently claims to be a "Conservative".  Perhaps he’s running stealthy and under cover?

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