Child in bed reading the bible - christian -

It’s Never Been A Better Time To Be A Christian

You, like me, may not even bother to look out the windows on a daily basis to lament the sad goings on in our world.  The level of impossible craziness seems to expand beyond the previous level as if some new law of the Momentum of Societal Insanity is about to be discovered. 

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norms-clipart-5 Clipground

Notable Quote – Social Justice mob deciding? Or you for yourself?

It might indeed be said that the main difference between the order of society at which classical liberalism aimed and the sort of society into which it is now being transformed is that the former was governed by principles of just individual conduct while the new society is to satisfy the demands for ‘social justice’

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“Why Did You Let Them Do It?”

Good question. A sad question, really, but a question that has to be asked. What happened? The WHY is easy – but that’s for later. Many folks I’ve been talking to are just overwhelmed about what is happening. If you weren’t paying attention to politics all the time, you wouldn’t know.

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Fascism is Corporatism

We Must Resist the Politicization of Business and of Capital Markets

Our Founders clearly delineated their vision for us – a limited Government constrained by the Constitution. A large, vibrant, and robust Civil Society that was to be the place for self-governance in action. And that large expanse to be the buffer between that limited government and the third faction, Individuals.

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Constitutional convention: yea or nay?

Notable Quote – Society vs Government

Just as the Founders considered and created a Constitution that would guarantee the Separation of Powers, the philosophy behind it was to set up bulwarks to deny people the ability to aggregate power unto themselves and their special interests.

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Weak Men

I just think I’ll leave this here…

And leave it up to you as to the answer of the question. But is it because of the changing of our politics? It has been said that Socialism attracts weaker men (at which point, stronger men take advantage of them politically) Or is it because of the feminization of Society? Let me know… (H/T: … Read more

Data Point – “For every 100 girls / women…”

It has now been a couple of decades that girls have been “boosted” in all areas of life.  Yes, there were problems, especially in schools and athletics (e.g., Title IX, which Progressives are now trying to evicerate via their latest pet project, “Transgenderism” in which biological boys are being applauded in their Transjacking of girls … Read more


Notable Quote – George Will and Prof. Don Boudreaux

Modernity’s gift has been the ability and determination to sharply delineate private and public spheres, with the private being the zone of individual sovereignty. It is the realm of the household, the family, and the work that sustains both. This is the basis of the proposition that the Constitution of the first consciously modern nation, … Read more

A non-Third Wave Feminist describes the kind of Masculinity that women want

“Toxic Masculinity” is all the rage on campuses around the country and certainly is a large talking point by a lot of “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs) that all that ails us is to turn all men into feminist versions of Beta males.  In other words, make women out of men and then life would be glorious, equality would be achieved, and all crime would start.  We just have to put men into their right place in Society – which is to say, nowhere.

Meanwhile, Suzanne Venker (self-described feminist “The Feminist Fixer”) decided that the SJW Feminist view of masculinity (that masculinity is evil) is completely wrong and ill-advised – and is destroying Society.  Here’s her quick take on “positive masculinity” which is to say, how men should be acting. Period.

At the end of the day, men want a woman and women want a man. Here’s what masculinity that attracts women like a moth to a flame looks like:

  • A man who stands tall and proud and who never asks permission.
  • A man who knows who he is and who isn’t afraid to share it with the world.

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Blogline of the Day – when you throw traditional social mores to the curb…

Related: In the middle of a Twitter thread on the MSM’s increasing penchant for doxxing, a Twitter user who goes by the handle “Thomas H. Crown” writes, “Journalists have happened on the fastest way I can identify to drive Americans to say, ‘No, please, rando with a webpage, tell us all about this journalist’s family … Read more

Leave ‘Traditional’ Marriage in the NHGOP Platform

marriageTo advocates for removing “traditional” from marriage in the NHGOP platform.

First, you are guilty of using the most frustrating and pernicious leftist debate tactic.

To try to make your case, you use examples outside the norm – such as families who adopt, grandparents raising their grandchildren, single parents due to the death of a spouse – in an attempt to undermine the norm. It’s no different than those who are pro-abortion trying to undermine opposition to abortion by raising rare cases of rape and incest, or more recently, using the existence of intersex persons to try to undermine natural sex/gender.

Many of us have friends or family whose situation is exactly one of those examples, but their efforts are a compassionate response to a crisis, not something that we should set as a legal standard.

Second, articulating an ideal is not exclusionary.

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