Indeed – It’s Not the Guns. Operative Question: How Has Society Changed?

by Skip

(Image H/T: Liberal Logic 101)

From a post titled “Welcome to Secular Relativist Hell” (a great blogline all on its own; reformatted, emphasis mine):

It is not the least bit hyperbolic here in the year of our Lord 2022 to aver that the United States has lost its way. Fingers of blame are pointed in so many directions that the casual observer could think it’s impossible to say that just one or two things are the root of our present national malaise. Well, I’m not a casual observer and have no problem saying that this country’s woes can be traced to the abandonment of God and moral absolutes for the false comfort of secular relativism.

…The final verse of Judges says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” At least we know that moral relativism isn’t new.

We need look no further than the abortion issue to see the perils of tossing all morality out of the window. Secular relativists have powers of rationalization that enable them to come to any conclusion they want. They begin by convincing themselves that the life that abortion terminates isn’t really a life. To reach that conclusion, one has to completely dismiss biology.

…People who truly believe that they have the right to the world being exactly as they want it have no problem justifying any means to help craft their impossible world, from ruining careers to ending lives. It’s the impetus for everything from Twitter cancel culture mobs to mass shooters.

And then goes to this quote (again, reformatted, emphasis mine):

The millennial generation might be surprised to learn that theirs is the first without guns in school. Just 30 years ago, high school kids rode the bus with rifles and shot their guns at high school rifle ranges. After another school shooting, it’s time to ask: what changed?

Cross guns off the list of things that changed in thirty years. In 1985, semi-automatic rifles existed, and a semi-automatic rifle was used in Florida. Guns didn’t suddenly decide to visit mayhem on schools. Guns can’t decide. We can also cross the Second Amendment off the list. It existed for over 200 years before this wickedness unfolded. Nothing changed in the Constitution. That leaves us with some uncomfortable possibilities remaining.

What has changed from thirty years ago when kids could take firearms into school responsibly and today might involve some difficult truths.

And what would those difficult truths be?

What has changed is that a good chunk of America no longer believes in God, truth, or the existence of real evil (calling one’s political opponents “evil” isn’t the same thing).

Emotional fragility coupled with a sense of entitlement (Participation trophy!) is a toxic societal cocktail and it’s literally killing us.

And that’s just the beginning of the problems. Without a belief in something larger and greater than oneself to whom you will be held accountable, there are no limitations to what you can rationalize to suit yourself. We’ve seen the insertion of “MY truth” as a common phrase on the Woke Left (re: “every man did what was right in his own eyes”). When each person determines what truth is for them, and then expects everyone else (who may have a “truth” of their own that conflicts with the other) to accept it unconditionally, Society fractures.

We go from A Truth based Society to one “built” on chaos – how can it be otherwise when there is absolutely no agreement on what is true or not? There can be little as far as the meetings of the minds – how can political disputes be mitigated when the “first principles” and “end result” have nothing in common?

The Left is changing our norms out from underneath it – causing much angst on their side that the rest of us can’t see “their truth” in that Oppressors / Oppressed / Power struggles are the foundation of public life. We, on the other side, are starting to get past that “slow to anger” phase and are now well on that path in fighting back – we’re tired of not being left alone.

An explosion is brewing. If we are lucky, it will only be political.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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