Part 1 was the reveal by Don Surber, while letting the info drop that I’d been looking for some time (where did the policy on “Transgender and Non-conforming” originate?). But as I said at the end of that post, Surber also made another observation I think is important, one that I think all Normal people can identify with it.
First, a quick note that Surber made about Sam Brinton:
If the charges are true, they show a man who is a slave to his impulses. He needs a checkup from the neck up.
But he’s LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards.
And so it seems. There is a political saying that “the Left operates on its Emotions, the Right operates on Reason”. And from my perspective, that gap exists and has been getting wider.
Surber nails it – “slave to his impulses“. Translation: “feel it, do it”. Translation Two: in other words, NO SELF-CONTROL
This also ties into the whole Sexuality thing – let me summarize. For years, we have heard from the Left that when it comes to sexual matters, we humans can’t control ourselves. In essence, we are no better than animals who rut when they have the urge. And the Left, having seized upon sexual morality and weaponized it, wants us all to believe that we cannot control our emotions, we cannot control our urges. We can’t control ourselves.
They dismiss the idea that most of us can and DO control ourselves as a matter of course. That there are those of us that can say “No” to them and say “we are above the animals”. Why else do they dismiss the idea of abstinence? Sure, teens and young twenty-somethings do get randy, frisky…and risky. The Left capitalizes on that by changing what used to be a moderate and chaste Society. What they won’t discuss is that this is the age cohort that biology now says that young brains have not matured but applies that to the rest of us.
They wish to infantilize all of us in this regards.
And in doing so, by making “Transgenders” yet another protected class (THANKS! Governor Chris Sununu in implementing this in NH! /sarc), Surber notes this as well in expanding Brinton writ small to Society writ Large
But he’s LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards….
But half the country now believes LGBT teachers have the right to blab about their weekend orgy. A law to ban this kind of talk in Florida faced opposition from Disney.
Librarians meanwhile are demanding that schools stock books that depict children engaged in homosexual activity. The laws against child pornography need to be enforced.
Yes, when men can be on womens’ teams, when Normals are told that they must adopt politically made up language (“cisheteronormativity”? ze/zir?) to control speech and therefore thought (“1984” was written as a warning, not a how-to manual), when school districts and judges “take away” children from their Parents simply because of the Left’s new sexual identity morality – they are exempt from our former norms and standards. They are out to destroy them to remake Society in their own sexual urges – at least at the surface level. The same goal, which Grokster Aaron recalled, was attempted to be put into place in Hungary during WW I.
And Surber is also right – certainly not during my time in school were teachers proclaiming their sexuality to young students. Prositalizing, preaching, indoctrinating seems to now be part of their job description. Look at the Rainbow, Gay Straight Alliance, and other such sexually based clubs in Middle and High Schools that have popped up all over the country. “Transition Closets” in schools where those kids that believe that they are something that they can never be hang up the clothes they left home wearing to put on others that would horrify their unknowing Parents.
And School staff members are sworn to secrecy, sometimes under the penalty of losing their jobs, are all in on this separation of kids from their parents. In this respect, it’s a sword cleaving that special and needed bond.
And churches that should be upholding Godly norms, have decided to not just put that light under a bucket but have let it go out altogether. They have, as Revelations foretold, have left the Word of God and are adopting the Gospel of Licentiousness. They serve themselves having lost that separation from Church and Society. When a determined set of people are out to destroy the norms of this country, its history, its values, we all will suffer the injuries.
Surber ends on a similar dismal note.
I have nothing against the LGBT people. I just don’t want them around children. I don’t want anyone so obsessed with sex hanging around kids.
This is unacceptable behavior and yet we as a society accept it.
And no, we shouldn’t.