“People Respected and Admired the Group They Were Naming the Team After”


This comment comes from my post on the Kansas City Chiefs and all this virtue-signaling about their name. Getting rid of fan traditions (the tomahawk chop) to satisfy the “activists” that probably don’t even watch the NFL. This from Commenter Monadnock Report:

Related: Well, so much for this NFL season for me.

What always seems to get lost in this “virtue signaling” is that these names and affiliations were chosen for a reason – because people respected and admired the group they were naming the team after.

In America, we have a rich history of merging cultures to create a unique American society of inclusion and unity. That is what the left wants to destroy.




And that is what has happened yet again. The Left, under the rubric of “social justice,” continues to hollow out American traditions because OPPRESSION!

They never give a thought to how or WHY the Chiefs got their name. Why the Redskins (Washington DC, now known by the stupid name Washington Football Team) did as well.

Now that the Morally Superior Activists have won, the regular blue color folks that make up a lot of the fan base are getting kicked in the teeth. They have lost. The activists will just go on to their next target; those that have been judged “guilty” will have nothing to go on to. They’ve been “de-selected” as Deplorables.

As I have said for years, the Left is removing, one by one, the “bricks” that make up the wall that is society. Lately, it HASN’T been one by one – it’s wheelbarrow loads. And that wall is starting to teeter. That teetering is just not by mistake – it is organized and wilful. Just listen to the progressives, the Black Live Matters, Antifa, the Soros-bought, and paid for politicians.

Make no mistake – they SNEER at us who love this country, warts and all. Monadnock is right – they continue the tactics to Divide everyone by every single possible group, sub-group, and sub-sub-group until they reach the most granular levels possible. And as they have for years, set each one against the other.

Why? Do I really have to tell you? Just look at what is going on all around us in the large urban areas. Being allowed, with smirks, by the Democrats that lead those cities, because they’re in on the deal.


Chaos is, if allowed to go on unheeded, the precursor to Revolution. The Left has promised this for decades. Now they are almost to their endpoint – so they think. They certainly are trying to convince everyone else they are there already – there is no hope and you just have to get in line.

Until, as another Comment to be promoted goes up, a lot of us starting voluntarily start saying:



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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