A non-Third Wave Feminist describes the kind of Masculinity that women want - Granite Grok

A non-Third Wave Feminist describes the kind of Masculinity that women want

“Toxic Masculinity” is all the rage on campuses around the country and certainly is a large talking point by a lot of “Social Justice Warriors” (SJWs) that all that ails us is to turn all men into feminist versions of Beta males.  In other words, make women out of men and then life would be glorious, equality would be achieved, and all crime would start.  We just have to put men into their right place in Society – which is to say, nowhere.

Meanwhile, Suzanne Venker (self-described feminist “The Feminist Fixer”) decided that the SJW Feminist view of masculinity (that masculinity is evil) is completely wrong and ill-advised – and is destroying Society.  Here’s her quick take on “positive masculinity” which is to say, how men should be acting. Period.

At the end of the day, men want a woman and women want a man. Here’s what masculinity that attracts women like a moth to a flame looks like:

  • A man who stands tall and proud and who never asks permission.
  • A man who knows who he is and who isn’t afraid to share it with the world.

  • A man who looks deep into a woman’s eyes and doesn’t look away because it’s uncomfortable.
  • A man who’s confident without being cocky.
  • A man who’s passionate about something. Anything at all.
  • A man who doesn’t take anyone’s crap, even if it comes from a woman.
  • A man who’s fiercely protective of the woman he loves.

This is what masculinity looks like, and there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s good for women, and it’s good for our country. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

So, what else would you add to this list of what masculinity should include and I’m open to suggestions as to how feminist SJWs further pervert it?
