Trigglypuff the SJW

Unethical Leftist Mobs Wouldn’t Know Justice if it Fell on Them

I think it must now be clear to even the dullest wits that the activities of the “Social Justice Warriors” has nothing whatsoever to do with or any relationship to justice, no way, no how. It’s a cliche; a scam used to excuse excessive actions, even criminal behaviors by the unethical leftist mobs who wouldn’t know justice if it fell on them.

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Blogline of the Day – I knew I was missing something describing the Left

From a discussion where a militant LGBT activist went all mental on a Conservative (“This deranged leftist and LGBT activist named Keaton Hill assaulted and threatened to kill @FJtheDeuce [Floyd Johnson II], a black conservative at Sacramento State. “) The masses of Social Justice Storm Troopers on Campus, and their divine Right of Kings approach to … Read more


Notable Quote – Andrew Sullivan

For many, especially the young, discovering a new meaning in the midst of the fallen world is thrilling. And social-justice ideology does everything a religion should. It offers an account of the whole: that human life and society and any kind of truth must be seen entirely as a function of social power structures, in which various groups have spent all of human existence oppressing other groups. And it provides a set of practices to resist and reverse this interlocking web of oppression — from regulating the workplace and policing the classroom to checking your own sin and even seeking to control language itself. I think of non-PC gaffes as the equivalent of old swear words. Like the puritans who were agape when someone said “goddamn,” the new faithful are scandalized when someone says something “problematic.” Another commonality of the zealot then and now: humorlessness.

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SJWs – Holding student grades over a statue; er, about that Power Imbalance they keep yammering about?

It is the end of the semester; my students did their final semester project Presentation and last night I finished up with the giving them their final grades.  One more “activity” done – six still left on the plate but this really will free up a lot of time (about a day to 2 days a week). Another month and one more will be done as well (but much less time has been spent on that this year).  So, in surfing around, it looks like others are also tallying up their students’ grades – and one set of SJWs are looking to use their students’ grades as a political cudgel (translation: no boundaries in conducting political warfare and it doesn’t matter who they hurt; reformatted, emphasis mine):

Teaching assistants at the University of North Carolina have threatened to hold up to 2,200 grades if school officials do not reconsider their plan for the controversial “Silent Sam” statue. This past Monday, UNC officials announced the memorial to Confederate soldiers would be housed in a new campus facility. That evening, protesters took to the streets to voice their displeasure. On Friday, activists announced online that 79 teaching assistants had signed a petition in opposition to the Silent Sam plan, and indicated they would “withhold [the] grades” if Chancellor Carol Folt and the UNC Board of Trustees did not relent.

I believe that the operative word is extortion – and they should be legally treated as extortionists!  All over the “Silent Sam” (an unknown Confederate soldier) statue that was toppled by student / SJW vandals because SLAVERY!  Anything they deem to be “wrong” must be destroyed, erased, and thrown down the Memory Hole – not just put somewhere else.

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Attributes of “you will be assimilated” Social Justice Warriors that can’t just leave well alone.

It’s like they feel they’re on a mission from God.  Oh wait, they don’t believe in God, do they?  OK, in their own minds, they ARE their own god.

We make sport of Social Justice Warriors all the time because, well, they make themselves easy targets.  The problem is that they act in the typical Collectivist fashion – tick them off and they don’t just attack back but at the slightest slight, pre-determine that you must be destroyed.  We’ve seen it, experienced it, and written about.  They are the equivalent (yep, I’m about to break Godwin’s Law) of Societal Nazis – no dissent allowed, no apology accepted, and anything other than complete acceptance of their view is heresy.

The Right Geek has an interesting take between “Leftists” and SJWs and it is WAY more than just degree or intensity:

So what makes an SJW? What’s the difference, for me, between standard leftists and those I believe are clear and present dangers to me and mine? Quite simply, monstrous leftists do the following:

  • They deny that truth is objective and universally accessible. They tell me, for example, that I can’t discuss race relations in the U.S. because I’m white — or that I can’t discuss the transgender issue because I’m “cis.”…
  • They don’t respect boundaries. They block traffic, destroy property, harass and intimidate opponents…
  • They’re censors.
  • They magnify offense — and then respond with no sense of proportion.  Unintentionally insensitive remarks or actions cannot be socially engineered out of existence…

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It sounds like NH’s “Social Studies” is about to get “SJW watered down” again

Used to be called History and separately, civics. How did we get here from back then and how is American government supposed to be organized and run?  Basic issues and basic knowledgebases for any American citizen.  Sadly, our government schools seem to be a poor job of both – after all, ask a young adult the same question we require of LEGAL immigrants wishing to become naturalized Citizens and be prepared for a very dismal experience.  So when I saw this (emphasis mine, reformatted):

NH in process of revamping social studies curriculum

EXETER — The state of New Hampshire’s educational standards for social studies has not been updated since 2006 but with a review from the Department of Education underway, local school administrators and community leaders are beginning to line up to help shape its process.

I went “It’s really gonna get addressed!  Yay!”. Then I went back and reread that “community leaders” bit again. Sorry I did that….sigh….

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Blogline of the Day – when they act like spoiled brats, TREAT them as such

NEWS YOU CAN USE: How to Rein In Student Mobs. “At NYU, administrators threatened the protesters’ financial aid, and the woke warriors went back to their rooms.” It’s about time that the adults in the room actually act like adults because the kids refuse to become adults and act accordingly.  It’s one thing to protest (and it … Read more

SJW’s Target Father’s Day

Kevin Kervick joins us to talk about the latest hateful atrocity destined to be ushered out of style by the Social Justice warriors, Father’s Day. It’s unfair to people without fathers and has to go.  

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