So, White People are Racists Because OWNING DOGS!?


The Left gets stupider by the day – and then opens its Collective mouth to dispel all doubt. I’m going to put the entire post up so you can see the UTTER ridiculousness and wrongness. That claiming that Whites owning dogs is a continuous act of racism.

I’ll emphasize a few of his lines so that you know EXACTLY what his dinky points are (and reformatted) but it is clear that this is some guy with serious self-loathing issues.

Why White People Owning Dogs is Racist

Way back in time, almost 12,500 years ago, the first canines were becoming domesticated. Through toil and hardship, people had earned the trust of our now beloved best friends.  The symbiotic relationship between dog and woman was very groundbreaking, as humans had never been this close to an animal before. Humans would provide shelter and care for the dogs, and in turn, the dogs would hunt and fetch firewood for humans. The reason I am detailing this history for you is so everyone understands the importance of the events that took place all these years ago.

Well, you’re not going to do all that in 5 sentences. But really, fetching firewood? Playing with wooden sticks is a lot different than firewood – that’s some trick!

According to bio-archaeologist Gregor Larson, the domestication of dogs started in 2 places: Eastern and Western Eurasia. The Eurasian people worked non stop to gain and maintain the trust with these gorgeous creatures, but it was all stolen from them.  The greedy actions by white people stained the history books forever.

Stolen?  Western “Eurasia” would include Western Europe – so they stole it from themselves? Or does this loon’s demarcation line stop short of the “Eur” bit? And I have yet to find the link to the assertions of “stolen” and “greedy”.

What actually happened?
Shortly after the Eurasian people worked so hard to train and bond with wolves, most of them were shipped off and given to Europeans.

Gosh, would that have been as a result of, er, “trade”? You know, the act of exchanging things of more, equal, or lesser value items? For others? I am just so confused….but the self-loathing / continuing the Narrative keeps rolling right along:

These filthy white savages took the work and credit from the Eurasian people and branded these magnificent creatures as their own.

Well, they were “shipped” to them, right?

The need for white people to claim premade or pre-discovered things is not isolated to just this incident. Countless times in history, whites have been caught stealing the work and talent of POC for their own success. 

This is getting really tedious…

Honestly speaking, we shouldn’t be surprised that white people would steal the domestication of dogs as well. Based on historical knowledge, this behavior will not slow down within the white community.

And yet another link to Prof. Greger Larson home page – which pretty much leads to no where. I’m to the point where I’m not even sure what to say about “this behavior will not slow down within the white community” other than “sure won’t – puppies are CUTE and CUDDLY! And are great for babies and toddlers to play with. And make the best of friends for our small ones. And when either of my now “middle aged” dogs decide to lap-sit on the couch, it is a comforting feeling just to scratch them and watch them go to sleep – they are content. And that makes me content.

So why shouldn’t this “behavior” slow down? It is a mutually beneficial one for the vast majority of adults – no matter what color their skin may be.

If you are white and own a dog, you are openly participating and advocating for cultural appropriation and colonialism.

I’m good with the “owning” part – many “animal rights” activists would refuse that anyone would have any pets at all. And if owning a dog is some crazy, whacked out idea of “cultural appropriation”, I’m down with that as well. Which is misnamed – it’s “cultural sharing” but these SJW folks are trying to re-segregate us all into narrow niches based on anything and everything they can – Critical Race Theory, dontchaknow.

And to be honest, I no longer even know or understand what is meant by SJWs when they throw the “colonialism” card – you? I know it seems to be related to their notion that Europeans should have just stayed in Europe – no exploration, no travel to anywhere else, no seeing the world, and obviously, no colonies. No outposts of Europeans anywhere. After all, White Europeans are the scourge of the world in these folks eyes. EVERY evil that has ever been created was done by them.

Everyone else? Noble Savage mentality, I guess – a (if I can be so bold and snarky) whitewashing of other cultures evils.  Speaking of Eurasians, how’d that Golden Horde work out for everybody under that Genghis fellow, eh?

Reinforcing this culture is NOT acceptable and will come with its repercussions.

Repercussions – do tell!  I’d really like to know what the repercussions are of me patting my puppies in front of the wood stove in the middle of February at -20 degree F outside with a 30 knot wind to boot after having given them some treats. To cleanse myself of all EVIL, cultural appropriations, and WHITENESS, I guess I just need to shove them out the door, lock it, and let the wolves “adopt” them. You good with that?

You know, I’m done with this unhinged gibberish. Read it for yourself and know that this is what our education system is turning out. EVERYTHING is wrong, there is no good at all.

Dogs are and always will be the living reminder of how tainted our history is as a whole. POC [that would be People of Color for the SJW unitiated amongst us – anyone that isn’t White  -Skip]  deserve to exclusively own dogs as a form of restitution for their stolen ancestor’s work. Supporting the idea of white dog ownership is spitting on the grave of past POC generations.

With International Dog Day coming up, it is important we remember and advocate for the work of POC, and never let this unbalanced history be forgotten.

Got it. Because DOGS, you need to be antiracist and turn on yourself. Got it. Nope.

If you are white and own a canine, please consider donating them to a local POC family or non kill shelter so it can truly find the perfect home.

How does this affect us right now?
If you are white and own a dog, you are openly participating and advocating for cultural appropriation and colonialism. Reinforcing this culture is NOT acceptable and will come with its repercussions.

Dogs are and always will be the living reminder of how tainted our history is as a whole. POC deserve to exclusively own dogs as a form of restitution for their stolen ancestor’s work. Supporting the idea of white dog ownership is spitting on the grave of past POC generations.

With International Dog Day coming up, it is important we remember and advocate for the work of POC, and never let this unbalanced history be forgotten.

If you are white and own a canine, please consider donating them to a local POC family or non kill shelter so it can truly find the perfect home.

With all that, I did think, at first, that this might be just a case of snarky parody of the Critical Race Theory that is currently poisoning Society. After all, ALL White People of Pallor are EVIL regardless of what is under discussion according to that Theory.  But nobody can keep that crap going for that long.

Or can they?

Did anyone else noticing what other race color is missing? Yep, Blacks. If he’s wailing that “greedy”, “”filthy white savages” Whites are “taking credit” bit that we “stole” dogs from Eurasians, that means that Africa gets left out completely.

What a bigot and racist…


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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