accountability circa1954

Notable Quote – My Earlier Post Was a PERFECT Example of This!

Politically, there are few ideas more potent than the notion that all your problems are caused by other people and their unfairness to you. That notion was the royal road to unbridled power for Hitler, Lenin, Mao, and Pol Pot – which is to say, millions of human beings paid with their lives for believing … Read more

Should the Government - Nope

Notable Quote – We’ve gone the wrong direction; REALLY wrong!

Somewhere along the way we lost our conviction that the best government was self-government. In our enthusiasm for turning over every social problem to the administrative bureaucracy for solution, we forgot that democracy is based on the maxim that the solution of the problem of social life is the business of the people themselves. Neither … Read more

Take Responsibility of your life

Minneapolis Police to residents: Be prepared to get robbed and just give them your stuff

Even in politics, the Laws of Motion reigns: Third Law: When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body Except in politics, that “opposite in direction” can end up being FAR larger if you define politics … Read more

Loudon CC Third Green

Give Golf a chance!

One understands the tendency of elected and appointed officials to err on the side of caution when it comes to public policy and pandemics. One also understands the concept of social distancing, quarantines, flattening the curve, and minimizing the risks associated with COVID-19.

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“Using ‘adequacy funds’ to buy adequacy” – a sequel

OK, tag teaming off of Ian’s post on why why we aren’t paying for “verifying achievement” instead of “verifying attendance” here because of a question of from a LONG time reader who worked with me for over a decade at my former employer (Epicor).  Here was his email on Ian’s post and, of course, my … Read more

…but, I won’t die in a helpless blubbering heap on the floor begging for my life

As seen on Facebook (again, but a good reminder): I stand behind you in line at the store with a smile on my face…and a gun under my shirt and you are none the wiser, yet you are safer for having me next to you. I won’t shoot you. My gun won’t pull it’s own … Read more

Smoking Gun

DISQUS Doodlings: Not understanding Freedom and guns

Someone was QUITE confused over at TH, still at the “Right wing populists want to kill us all” post.  More on that part later on but I had to bring this up about guns.  It’s a topic that comes up rarely (much to my surprise) but the opinions are what one would think at an … Read more

Jan Schmidt: makes serious lie about GraniteGrok and now makes herself a victim for doing so

Her as well as her fellow NH State Representative, Debra Altschiller (her alleged assault on Susan Olsen) – trying to turn the tables? More on Altschiller later but now that word is getting out that this elected official has blocked me, I’m getting screenshots from others about her whining.  Like this one: A most perfect … Read more

PART 2 – In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions

Part 2 – The full fisking of that “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I was done reading it and writing that comment, I was mad, to be perfectly honest. The lead paragraphs (reformatted, emphasis mine): The New Hampshire Youth Table, which is made up of members from the New Hampshire Young Democrats, … Read more

In other words, Democrat leaning Students gather to whine that everyone else isn’t paying their tuitions – Part 1

This post started out as a simple comment at the Nashua Telegraph “N.H. youth fighting for college affordability“. By the time I finished reading the article and leaving this comment, I was mad as all get out.  However, because Steve is telling me to write short, this will be Part 1 and the full fisking … Read more


Universal Basic IncomeSuddenly, it’s everywhere.  Lately I’ve even heard even libertarians suggesting that it might be a good idea to provide a Universal Basic Income (UBI) to replace the buffet of specific welfare programs that are now available to people who can’t afford things like housing (Section 8), heat (LIHEAP), medical care (Medicaid), food (SNAP), and so on.

This idea is a classic example of what Thomas Sowell calls ‘stage one thinking’, which is the apparent inability (or unwillingness) to appreciate that actions have consequences, and consequences propagate.

(Yes, I know that Milton Friedman advocated for a negative income tax, which is one type of universal basic income.  But Friedman also advocated for income tax withholding, which has turned into what we might call ‘the opiate of the taxes’.)

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Drug Addiction Recovery – a source of government rent-seeking?

MIDPOINT recover center logoWhat does it say about the marketplace when startups turn directly to government for launching? And then get P.O’d when they get a “no”?

Nonprofit startup scraps plans for recovery center in Concord

A startup Manchester nonprofit has abandoned plans to open a recovery center in Concord after a discouraging meeting with state officials, the founder of the group said on Thursday.

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On the news that US Senators Manchin and Reid will be trying to grab for gun control again this year….

After all, it was not US DHS MRAPs, the FBI SWAT teams, MA State Police, or the Watertown Police (and all the others) that found that 19 year old Bomber. Once again, with a single, solitary Citizen finding him, it could have been a case of “when seconds count, the police are only minutes away” … Read more

“Honor Your Oath” Rally – Skip Murphy, co-founder GraniteGrok

Yeah, they let me speak as well and I was asked to speak on “self-responsibility” in terms of “Honoring Your Oath”.  Unlike most that spoke, I gave mine as a locally elected official in my town – and yes, I paid attention to it twice and I still do today.  I tried to do what I did mindful of that Oath, for once a promise is given, it should be kept.  Given that it was handling other peoples’ money as a Budget Committee member, I often thought of these (“It is not mine to give”: here, here, here, and here).

WMURNo, Jimmie Pindell of WMUR, this was not a gun rally (even as TMEW reported that WMUR called it one; I guess they really didn’t listen to what Jeff Chidester said it WAS and what it was NOT.  Simply, they either didn’t REALLY cover the rally, only bothered to show up for a snippet of the rally, or just plain made it up.

Let me ‘splain what the rally was a bit more:

Previous video:

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Guest post by Penny Dean, Esq. – HB135 “Stand your ground” must be defeated


If the proposed changes to RSA 627:4 in the form of HB 135 are adopted (i.e. the return to the previous version of the law-see below), the affirmative defense will no longer be available to those who are forced to defend themselves or others at places other than their home. Nothing good will come from this. Innocent New Hampshire citizens are currently being regularly, unfairly and unreasonably charged for defending themselves and will have a greatly lessened chance at being found not guilty due to inadequate jury instructions if HB 135 passes, and thus less justice, the price for HB 135….potentially years of their life in prison.

If the accused in a self defense case “wins” as in is acquitted at trial, the price many pay is their job (in many instances a cash only bail is ordered, and many people cannot afford $10k or $25k cash bail, so are kept in jail and are fired from work because they cannot go to work). Ask yourself if you were absent from work for a month or two *(or longer) because you were in jail awaiting trial, would your boss keep your job open? What about those of you who might work for less than firearm friendly corporations? What is the likelihood you would HAVE a job after the charges against you were announced? Citizens who are forced to defend themselves while at the grocery store, walking home, leaving work, or anywhere they might be currently are NOT given a “free pass” by the very weak New Hampshire “stand your ground” affirmative defense law, but rather, after they are charged criminally, and then they may be allowed to raise the defenses found in RSA 627:4.

Many people do not understand what an affirmative defense is.

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Biden: “If it only saves ONE life!”. Yo, Joe? This count?

It also seems to reinforce the meme that those bad guys that use ILLEGAL weapons are often cowards when confronted by good guys standing up to them:

If you’re a woman, imagine being home alone in a rural area when you hear someone rattling your front door. You don’t recognize who they are. You call your husband just as the two teenaged boys break into your house and you see that they are armed. What do you do?

That’s exactly what happened to a woman in the small rural community of Maypearl, Texas, about 45 miles south of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. It was Wednesday afternoon, she was home alone at their farmhouse when she heard her front door rattling. She looked out and saw two young men, one dressed in camouflage and had a gun strapped across his back.

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Humor with a lesson: Where would you rather be: California or Texas?

CALIFORNIA:  The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor.

 1. The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.

2. He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

3. He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.

4. The Governor goes to a hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and getting his bite wound bandaged.

5. The running trail gets shut down for 6 months while the Fish & Game Commission conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous      animals.

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GrokTV – Panel Discussion: Making your vote count – Q&A Part 1

I have chopped up the videos of the Question and Answer period into different posts (as there were a number of topics on which there were questions).  Please note that sometimes the video title “might” not be quite accurate in that often, as these things go, the discussion of the original question quickly morphs to other tangents.  But hey, it’s better that way when you are the panelist / audience member than the video editor!):

  • Quick Riff: Will other Democrats be allowed to use the Obama DB (example: former DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe running for VA Guv)
  • Low information voters and Same Day registrations
  • Don’t wait for NH Govt to catch Voter Fraud – go “James O’Keefe” and use Right To Know requests to embarrass them to do so.
  • Same Day registrations in Rye


Use of Obama DB                                         Low Info Voters / Same Day Registrations

The other videos and previous videos from the day after the jump:

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Obama’s move to a more Socialistic state – a warning from someone who grew up in a socialist state

“America’s wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy. Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer — but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest in really working hard and creating jobs.”

A refugee from socialistic Hungary during the Cold War, Thomas Peterffy knew not just the economic ills of such a system but the moral decay of the human spirit of such a system.  This is the system that Obama and the other Democrat Socialists of America wish to put upon this nation.  Equality is one thing – under the law as the Founders believed true Freedom must have.  But they are looking to have a forced material equality, a forced “opportunity” equality, which forces the State to not promote equality for some but rather, establishes a faux equality by removing that very same freedom from “those that do not deserve it” or from those “that are fortunate” or those “that have more”.  In short, taking from those that have actually used the opportunity that America (til now) has afforded to everyone.

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Lakes Region Porcupines, Free State Project, Liberty, Freedom, and self – responsibility

A while ago, a now former NH State Representative Seth Cohn urged me to come to a meeting at the New Hong Kong restaurant to, as he said, “talk some politics with folks that are involved”.  Little did I know what I’d be getting into – and that was fine!  Many of the folks that attend are Free State Project “members” in that they came to NH because compared to other states, it had a low overall level of taxation and better yet, small government.  I have interviewed Dr. Jason Sorens before, so I knew the overall mindset – we tolerate a limited government, let it do a few things very well, and then leave us alone – we can be responsible for ourselves (the absolute antithesis of Democrats, who all but worship bigger government with the mindset, as we are seeing, that no one can be successful without out).

Sidenote: with that mindset, aren’t all Democrats then assuming that we are all LOSERS from the get-go? And boy, don’t the Dems go absolutely bat-crazy as more of the FSPers get involved in local and state politics – because the Dems just cannot understand that most of us don’t WANT the larger government they do.

Anyways, after this Saturday’s meeting, some of them went out to go clean the highway.  You often see those signs along the highways saying that such and such is doing the litter cleanup?  While some of them actually do the work themselves, most hire firms that specialize in doing just that.  The LR Porcs, on the other hand, believe in that self-responsibility and doing it themselves.  If one is going to be in Society, then one cannot outsource that responsibility.  So, out they went to show, in this small way, that they are not the anarchists that Ray Buckley (NH Dem Chair) claims they are and out to kill off government completely.  A very quickly done video:

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