“America’s wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy. Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer — but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest in really working hard and creating jobs.”
A refugee from socialistic Hungary during the Cold War, Thomas Peterffy knew not just the economic ills of such a system but the moral decay of the human spirit of such a system. This is the system that Obama and the other Democrat Socialists of America wish to put upon this nation. Equality is one thing – under the law as the Founders believed true Freedom must have. But they are looking to have a forced material equality, a forced “opportunity” equality, which forces the State to not promote equality for some but rather, establishes a faux equality by removing that very same freedom from “those that do not deserve it” or from those “that are fortunate” or those “that have more”. In short, taking from those that have actually used the opportunity that America (til now) has afforded to everyone.
And that is the real wrong, and “that which cannot be spoken” by the left. They should that all should have equal access – but cannot speak of or defend in basic terms the ill morality of taking from some to fulfill for others. Oh, they will either use flowery language that goes down so easily and well, or they’ll go all Joe Biden or Ocuppy on you. Either way, they cannot acknowledge the immorality – they can only attempt to justify their intent.
Which, in the normal course of events, never matches the actual results (forced socialism and forced communism and forced communitarianism never does).
Update: Yeah, Tim posted it up here a little bit ago. But it still needs saying – over and over and over and over…..
(H/T: Fox News)