
An Increasingly Divorced-From-Reality Sununu Cancels (What’s Left of) School to Save … Potentially … 1.5 Deaths “Related to” COVID

So this: And here is Sununu’s letter: Sununu’s claim that students are at risk from COVID is a crock. The COVID fatality rate for people under twenty is effectively ZERO. As for students spreading COVID to others, a recent paper claimed that reopening schools would cause an increase in COVID fatalities of 2% to 4%. … Read more

Serious Wetware Development

One of the first rules of serious software development is that you set up your tests first, before you write a line of code, so that you’ll be able to tell whether your program is working.

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Leftism Eradicates Character

Leftists tend to hold America in contempt. They prefer socialism to capitalism and regard all white people and police as racist. To them the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. There is an implicit adherence to a belief that men and women are not inherently different or even that male … Read more


Why Does Merrimack Need $20,000.00 Per Student Per Year?

The proposed budget for the Merrimack School system is 77.6 million dollars. That’s the entire cost to run the district for one year. An endeavor that exists, at least in theory, with one purpose. Educate children. But not very many of them. Which begs the question? Why so much for so little?

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Over time we’ve developed a method for dealing with situations where (1) we don’t want poor people to be denied access to something essential, (2) we don’t want tax money to be wasted on substandard products or services, and (3) we don’t want poorer people to subsidize richer people.

That method works like this.  Poor people demonstrate that they can’t afford to pay for X.  We let them choose a private provider of X, who meets basic standards, and we give them money that can be spent only on X.

If X is medical care, we call that Medicaid. If it’s heating oil, we call it LIHEAP (the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program).  If it’s food, we call it SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or Food Stamps, or EBT cards).  If it’s housing, we call it Section 8 (the Housing Choice Voucher Program).  And so on.

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An Open Letter to Members of the Franklin, NH School Board

By Karen Testerman

Once again the taxpayers of Franklin are confronted with a request for an increase in funds. Oddly with a declining population of students, there is still a need for an increase in cost.

What concerns me is that the discussion regarding budgets centers around teacher pay or the number of personnel required or facility needs. There is no discussion about job performance. The results demonstrate to the taxpayer the return on their invested tax dollar.

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Bedford School District Book Woes Re-ignite

Warning. Strong Sexual Content.

The Bedford Public School system is back in the news again.  Another book has popped up in the curriculum that is questioning the standards of the towns (cough-cough) educational experts. This time is it ‘Water For Elephants.”

This book appears to have some very interesting subject matter, which someone in the Bedford District finds suitable for students to read.  I’ll let you be the judge. (This is just a sample, and relates to the “warning” strong sexual content” portion.)

(Warning! By jumping to the conclusion of this post you accept all responsibility for the content you are about to read.)


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