If you were thinking about spinning up a private or charter school on the fly, Vermont is ripe for picking. A majority of Superintendents said they wouldn’t be able to open public schools before Sept 8th. Why? They are not convinced they will have the staff or teachers to “do school.”
Related: Stanford Doc – The Science on COVID19 and Kids – Let them Go Back to School
They don’t want a hybrid either.
“At the end [of a teacher/staff meeting last week attended by 150 via Zoom] I took a poll asking should we move to a 3-2 for students and a 4-1 for staff? Not a single hand was raised, and this isn’t because staff don’t want to come back to work or don’t agree that especially younger students desperately need to be in school. It is because these problems I am sharing today seem insurmountable at the local level.”
They are calling it the elephant in the room when it’s actually a donkey. The buzz is that teachers are afraid of the virus, but the truth is that Unions have already come out against going back. The party machine narrative is we want a vaccine or full testing, a Democrat President, and no, they will not accept hybrid options (as noted above).
Everyone is playing the terror card.
School employees seem to be voting with their feet. “Letters of resignation, requests for leaves of absence, Family Medical Leave (FMLA), Emergency Family Medical Leave (EFML), Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL), Exemption status, and leave under the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act (FFCRA) (which provides up to 12 weeks of leave for employees unable to work because their child’s school is closed) are coming in, Nease said.
“The truth is most school employees are scared to death they will get sick (or worse), bring the virus home to loved ones, have a student in their care become ill, or experience the death of a coworker.
Well, now, there’s another excellent reason not to pass the Democrats Family Medical leave income tax for New Hampshire. Union tools might use it to skate on their gig and still get a paycheck.
And they think they are smarter than parents, sorry, their employers. People who typically spend more of the paycheck (in tax dollars) to pay for schools that are now no longer available. Not very bright.
Parents are increasingly aggravated at this mess, and many cannot stay home. Schools that can’t teach become a reason to pursue not just other (likely better and cheaper) options to educate kids but are an incentive to demand their money back to pay for the alternative.
What’s to stop parents and taxpayers from getting the other employees in elected office and on school boards replaced if they refuse?
If Vermont teachers want to play the fear card, they better be prepared for a different sort of epidemic. The one where the job they wouldn’t show up for disappears and reappear in the private sector where price and performance matter.
If you have time (10 min), check this out for America’s Frontline Doctors.com (site pulled down 7/29). Cases, infections, fake reporting, (COVID numbers explained), hospitals, getting rid of the Fear!!, even opening schools (no risk of transmission from kids to adults). Good stuff.