We’re Not Banning Books We Are Protecting Our Kids

If nothing else, leftist propaganda can be fiendishly clever. Using selected facts and distorting them to suit their needs, those on the left are working hard to brand loving and courageous parents as radical enemies of free speech. Their disgusting claim that parents, and conservatives in general, are out to ban books is a transparent … Read more

School Bus Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Bananas Academy: Summer Class Schedule

School’s out for summer…only if you’re a loser! We at Bananas Academy are winners and we’re looking for other winners who would rather spend their summer bettering themselves instead of soaking up the short lived New England sun wasting expensive gas on adventures and chasing members of the opposite sex for momentary pleasure and lasting … Read more

Manchester School DIstrict - MSD logo

The MANCHESTER Schools are a MESS!

About 10 years ago, I joined with Manchester parents to demand better academic standards for the students who attend the public schools in Manchester. After the disastrous Common Core Standards were adopted by the State, Manchester parents realized they wanted something better for their kids.

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School Closed

Upset with how your town’s schools are being opened (or not)?

FYI for those who are interested. ***** Thank you for your e-mail that was forwarded to me for review and response. The Department appreciates your reaching out to us to express your sincere concerns regarding your school district’s determination and actions regarding school reopening. While the Department understands and appreciates your goal of reaching out … Read more

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