Be Pro-Choice: Vote For The Right To Abort Unions.

If unions were abortions everyone would have the right to chose not to be party to it. Some liberal justice would have long ago ensconced that “right” into the US Constitution. And we would not be having this debate in New Hampshire. Workers could decide if they wanted to abort the union. But Democrats are hypocrites and choice shall not be permitted in the workplace. You will not, cannot be permitted to choose for yourself.

Do Nothing Democrats

It has been three years since the Democrat party produced a federal budget. The Democrat Senate has blocked repeated efforts by the Republican controlled House to ‘do something’ about that. President Obama, Senate leader Harry Reid, and the Democrat leaderships contribution (including their media homunculus) has been to demand compromise without giving any.

Bachmann’s Contrdiction

Speaker Gingrich is taking heat for statements about immigration reform, mostly from people campaigning against him. (But then, that’s what makes a big primary so much fun.) Congressman Michele Bachmann, on PBS NewsHour of all places, took it to the hole with this remark…

A Question for NH Democrats & Unions…

Is this the NH Democrat parties postion as well, and that of the state union, SEA, SEIU, Teamsters and others who are insisting that New Hampshire workers have no right to opt out of paying union dues just to get a job? Does the Federal government have the right to close a business or a facility in our state, and force those workers out of their employment, simply becasue they are either not unionized or have voted to de-certify the union, as is the case in South Carolina?

Response to Attacks on Republicans for PAYGO

To the Editor:

Apparently I can read better than Mr. Veverka can hear.  In his October 6th letter in the Laconia Daily Sun, Mr. Veverka adamantly assured us the term “TEA Party” did not exist in the Hightower article referenced by my letter.  “TEA Party” can found near the beginning of paragraph 8.  

The focus of my letter was on the TEA Party, what it is and isn‘t, its criticisms of both parties and wasteful government operations, and its focus on principles, not political party.  My letter was inspired by the Hightower column, the most recent (at the time) attempt to malign the TEA Party and its principles.  

Hightower’s article and Veverka’s letter are just partisan attack pieces.  It is  a common liberal technique to attack anyone who tries to stop or even slow the growth of government.  Anyone who won’t cave to whatever liberals demand will be smeared.  It doesn’t matter whether the program works, is worth the cost, is counter-productive, or is affordable.  

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Democrats Reject Obama’s Jobs Bill

Yesterday provided another clear example of President Obama and other Democrats blaming others for their own failings.  For a month Democrats have blamed Republicans for not passing President Obama’s “jobs” bill.  But, yesterday when Republicans pressed for a vote on the bill, Senate Democrats prevented the vote. 

President Obama lies when he blames Republicans for failure to pass a jobs bill.  Even Democrats know President Obama’s bill is unacceptable, full of wasteful spending and increased taxes, intended only to give a failing President a campaign tool for fooling ignorant voters.  

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The TEA Party is for America not for a Political Party

Jim Hightower’s recent article titled, “Playing politics with humanitarian aid”, (see Jim is just another anti-TEA Party screed falsely attempting to link it with the Republican Party.  The article can be summarized:  Republicans and TEA Partiers cannot complain about Democrat wasteful and irresponsible spending which rewards Democrat supporters because Republicans similarly spend to reward Republican supporters. 

The TEA Party objects, equally strenuously, to wasteful and irresponsible spending by both parties.  

The TEA Party believes that politicians in Washington are only authorized to raise and spend money to pay for Constitutionally authorized functions.   Politicians are not authorized to tax or borrow money to reward friends or to buy political support.          

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“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater


THE RINO OF THE WEEK is two-term House Representative Timothy D. Copeland.  Representative Copeland not only has a RINO voting record, but openly embodies pro-Union positions. Copeland not only voted against right to work,  But resigned his House whip position when the speaker reshuffled the leadership based on RINOism. Representative Copeland has voted consistently against two core liberty issues: Legislation pertaining to self-defense and firearms and voted against the passage of HB 474, commonly known as the “Right-to-Work Bill.  Like that of his RINO Counterparts, Representative Copeland is also an enthusiastic advocate of police-statism is ranked by the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance with a score of 67%.

  • Voted against HB 125 a law that would support the right of the Granite State to regulate firearms within its sovereign borders as a state;

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You Can’t Be A Republican And Vote Against Right To Work

Supporting forced unionization is the same as supporting mandatory campaign contributions to the Unions and the Democrat party.  There is no conceivable way to separate the two.  Unions are funded by dues.  Democrats receive millions of dollars from unions to promote their agenda.  And in some cases to promote it violently.

You can’t separate the two.

A vote to sustain the Lynch Veto and permit forced unionization is a vote for the mandatory and state funding of abortion;  financing efforts to cripple or bypass our second amendment right to self defense; you are supporting state financed birth control, confiscation of property, increased taxation and broad based taxes, an expanding regulatory state and more centralized top down government, gimmik accounting, Gay marriage, genderless bathrooms,  seat belt laws, the food police, socialized medicine, restrictions on free and corporate speech, and the entire manifold of Democrat party policy wishes which those dollars will continue to support and advance as long as workers are denied the opportunity to decide if they are willing to fund these policies or not on their own

I don’t think you can claim to be a Republican and support all of that, can you?

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Do Students Like Re-Distribution or Not?

In what may well be the best independent video I have seen in a while, some savvy college students ask their peers (typical tax the rich types) if they would sign a petition. The plan? Redistribute GPA points from the high achievers so that other students can use them to pass classes they are doing poorly in.

Dangerous Democrats

Obama and the democrats can let Iran build nukes because it is a no-lose situation for them. Inaction is action. If by chance Iran does not nuke up, they will take credit. If it does, and then kills millions, they will blame George Bush, or obstructionist Republicans.

Budget Graph

I know, it must be “graph day.” What can I tell you. Here’s another one from the Wall Street Journal via Freedom Works, based on CBO data. Note that Obama’s budget relies on taking money out of the economy in the form of tax increases. Those are your future jobs and raises unless you’d like to the Welfare life of equal squalor under socialst rule–where everyone is equal (equally miserable).

Recovery From Irresponsible Democrat Budgets

To the Editor:

Every child knows which parent to approach for permission to do something risky, expensive, inappropriate, or too impractical.    The parent who says “No” is called “mean”, “uncaring“, “selfish”, etc.     

Some marriages have problems because over-spending threatens  financial disaster, e.g., eviction, inability to purchase real needs like food and health insurance.  Sometimes one spouse stands up to avoid the disaster, slashes expenses, sells expensive toys, cancels unessential services, etc.  Family members enjoying the excess spending may call these cuts “extreme” and the responsible parent “mean”, “uncaring“, “selfish”, etc.   

Across our country city, state, and federal governments have recklessly over-spent and over-committed future spending. 

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Protestors of New NH House Budget

To the Editor: 

Those protesting the new House budget in Concord last week have one thing in common, they want NH taxpayers to open their wallets for their personal benefit.   

Most protesters were public employees demanding no changes to their cushy, secure, low stress, highly compensated (compared to similar private sector) jobs, nor to the corrupt system that maintains their great jobs, benefits, and consequently grows the cost of government .   

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Republican Change In New Hampshire

NH State SealH/T to Patricia Wulfson for sending me this first.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives received a mandate from the voters of this state to cut state spending; reduce taxes and fees; return fiscal sanity to the state; promote economic development and create jobs; mend a state retirement system that was nearing insolvency; provide our children with an education based on excellence; protect the personal rights and freedoms of its citizens; and maintain transparency in state government. Listed here is a compilation of legislation passed by the 2011 New Hampshire House of Representatives in response to that message that they received in November from the voters.


Trans-formative Change:

• Passed a constitutional amendment to require a super-majority in the House and Senate to raise taxes or borrowing. (CACR 6)

• For the first time in NH history, that included more that 50 attempts in the legislature, the House passed a constitutional amendment to expand local control of education funding by returning authority to elected officials, not unelected judges. (CACR 12) Setting an example for our citizens by “living within our means:”

• Passed a fiscally responsible budget that, (1) was balanced by using realistic revenue figures; (2) did not increase taxes or fees; (3) does not downshift onto local property taxpayers; and (4) does not increase borrowing, setting New Hampshire on a financially sustainable path will allow our economy to grow and create more jobs. (HB 1 & 2)

• Passed an education funding formula that maintains existing levels of aid to communities and allows additional targeted aid to needy cities and towns. (HB 337)

• Passed a bill to allow local communities to enact tax and spending caps. (HB 341) Moving our economy forward, creating more jobs and putting out the “Open for Business sign” in New Hampshire once again.

• Passed a small business tax cut to protect reasonable compensation from the business profits tax. (HB 557)

(more on the jump…)

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Promises made , Promises Kept

NH House Republican Press conference on the Budget and their legislative accomplishments this year.

Picture of the Day 3-29-11

Teachers Get Help From Republicans

A bill (HB 375) is being debated in New Hampshire that, if passed, would protect teachers from civil or criminal penalties when they use physical force in the classroom. The bill is designed to protect teachers who feel helpless against aggressive students because they are afraid of being sued by parents.

Union Leader Hit’s It Out Of The Park

This Union Leader Editorial in today’s paper does exactly what we should all be doing.  Pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of democrats who ignore actions by their Democrat governor.  It used to be that the “essential” level of funding for state health and social services was whatever the commissioner of Health and Human Services said … Read more

NH House Republican Legislative Progress Report

The House Republicans, today, issued the following legislative progress report.

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