Two Congressmen And A Free Throw

HR 1 The US House just finished it’s work on HR1, cleaning up after democrats who in 2010 abrogated yet another  obligation when they found themselves incapable of writing the budget they really wanted right before an election.

The liberal-progressives wanted more spending but that was not politically advantageous.  And since the single driving-force behind all Democrat decisions is politics the budget got relegated to the back of the bus, where the electorate’s short attention spans were meant to forget that democrats were never fiscally conscious representatives–they just tried to play them on the campaign trail. 

But avoiding the high profile budget battle was more evidence that they had something to hide. The Democrat House majority was appropriately sedated and placed under observation, while the Senate saw minor adjustments but no change in leadership.  So the process of changing our spending ways would still have to go through a Democrat controlled Senate and across the desk of a President who thinks the words "spending cuts" are just a rhetorical flourish used to provide cover for more spending.

Obama’s budget is proof enough of that.

But Obama only proposes a budget.  The House is in charge of spending.  So the new Republican congress went to the back seat of the Hopey-changey bus and picked up the budget obligations abandoned by the 111th congress.  This wwas a free shot at changing the fiscal direction of the country before writing their own first official budget, which was not due until later in 2011.  It was a gimme, a free throw, but one that had to survive the democrat Senate and the Spender in Chief.

So how did it turn out?

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Gallup Shows Shift in Party Affiliation

The number of solidly democrat states cut in half from 08 to 10. That’s the headline of this report from Gallup on party affiliation.

RINO Remover!!!

RINO Remover!!  Adult content alert.  The very end of this video has the word S**t in it.  You have been warned.   H/T NHTEA Party  

Jack Kimball Wins

Most everyone will know by now that the GOP convention was a rousing affair, very goodhearted and unifying overall, and that Jack Kimball is the New Party Chairman.

Bend It For The Benjamins

As a follow up to this, yesterday or maybe the day before, the NH Journal (NHJ), New Hampshire’s prominent internet news source if the news is whatever Hynes communications is being paid to call news, decided to float a lie called pin the conservative blogger to Jack Kimball.  Someone the NH Journal staff knew would stir the pot was fingered as Kimball’s communications director if he won the job as GOP State party chairman, even though no one–including Kimball and the blogger–knew anything about it until after the digital ink was dry.

The goal for Hynes and Millerick, (owner and editor respectively at NHJ)  appear to have been to send the RINO’s into a mad stampede.  RINO’s stampede easy so it worked.  Some RINO’s were so miffed, and wanting so badly for just such a story to jump on, they picked up the lie and ran with it. (Just like a progressive if that’s not too provocative a statement to make.)

There was a bit of damage control but once it’s out there, it is out there, no different than when CNN or MSNBC does it.  But the story did not end there.

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How To Know You Have A Winner

You can just tell when you have a winner. It becomes more important for your opponents to smear your candidate than to promote theirs. It’s all about scare tactics. The noise machine. The echo chamber. Creating a narrative. And the media and the career party folks all seem like they are on the same side frantically offering doomsday scenarios.

I Just took a poll at NH Insider…

Unite Behind What?

As for “bringing the party together,” it is not a notion in a vacuum nor desirable if the product moves us in the wrong direction. Unity, more often than not, is the product of a force of nature whose clarity about the goal or mission is so clear that people gather round to listen and then feel compelled to act. Julianna Bergeron may be faithful and competent from the perspective of a party insider, but so is a good accountant. That does not make them capable of leading and inspiring a movement.

What’s In Your Narrative?

Plenty of people who think they are quite attuned to the echo chamber are spending a good deal of time doing the progressives and RINO’s dirty work.  These are people on the right, so-called insiders who get how the game is played.  Yet again (and again) I find the chorus repeating the message which the left and the media have ingrained in them…every time they hear the bell ring.

"Sarah Palin." Ding!

Independents will never vote for her.  Her resignation as governor is a deal breaker.  You can’t bring social issues into the debate or Republican’s lose the center, she is stupid, inexperienced, too provocative, and on and on and on.

This is the message of the establishment elites on both sides.  It is the growl of a cornered animal that fears for its life.  A life dependent on the growth and power of government.  And it has been picked up and repeated by people who should know better.

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He Hasn’t Paid His Dues

It has come to my attention that sometimes having the qualities necessary to get the job done are irrelevant. And that seems to be the opinion of some establishment republicans who have admitted that while Jack Kimball would probably be a great party Chairmen, this sliver of old-guard regulars can’t cast a vote for him because he has not paid his dues.

And Let Me Add This…

Let me add this to Skips post just a short scroll below this one. State GOP candidate for Chairman Juliana Bergeron’s false grass roots mantle (and it is false) is not just an opportunistic stab at tapping populist enthusiasm, she could find herself left behind should she win by simply tilting at the TEA parties windmills.

Inside Baseball

Does anyone know the process for congressional chairmanships? Erik has indicated above that the House GOP needs to ratify leadership’s decisions but I was not aware of that condition. It was my understanding that anyone who is not on the steering committee did not get a voice on chairmanships and appointments but maybe that’s wrong.

Sununu’s Successor “Chosen?”

James Pindell is reporting that Governor Sununu plans to endorse Cheshire County Republican Chair Juliana Bergeron as his replacement in what seems to be a power sharing deal that allows Governor Sununu to exercise the “You better choose the right person” clause from his formal letter to the party. (Which Skip went over here)

Just Do It!

NHGOP LogoI am growing weary of this game.  We can no longer wait for the current NH State GOP chairman to tell us once and for all what his intentions are.  I’m not even sure why we are waiting. GraniteGrok has video of the announced retirement from the Cornerstone Dinner.

Governor Sununu announced that after this election he was retiring.  What happened on November second that does not constitute a complete political coup?  The only office the democrats hold is the governorship, but our victory was so complete that this no longer even matters.

So what is left for a seasoned New Hampshire politician to do?

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NoLabels, NoWay

I think I nailed it on the head (here) back on November 17th with my first impression of the group NoLabels.  But now that the Live Free or Die Alliance (LFDA), whom I have often opined springs from the same pedigree of liberal-fronted groups pretending to be middling ports of in-betweenedness in the political/ideological storm, is seeking the opinion of its members on NoLabels effort to penetrate New Hampshire, it is time to revisit this.

Let me save you the trouble of wondering what they are about.  I believe NoLabels goal is to shift the electorate to the left.  Their first, and so far only plank, is to open primaries to everyone who can vote.   Now ask yourself, who does that help?

It helps Democrats.

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Elephant Innards

Any migration of Republicans away from a vote for “Speaker O’Brien” might say more about Gene Chandler than it does Bill. It might mean that Gene was either insincere in his request for unity–and I am on the record both commending him and taking him at his word for that stance–or it demonstrates his inability to control even those who would have chosen him as their House Speaker.

An Open Letter to Republican Freshmen Members of Congress

Sarah Palin(Sarah Palin’s open letter to the newest members of the 112th congress)

Welcome to all Republican Freshmen and congratulations!

Congratulations to all of you for your contribution to this historic election, and for the contributions I am certain you will make to our country in the next two years. Your victory was hard fought, and the success belongs entirely to you and the staff and volunteers who spent countless hours working for this chance to put government back on the side of the people. Now you will come to Washington to serve your nation and leave your mark on history by reining in government spending, preserving our freedoms at home, and restoring America’s leadership abroad. Some of you have asked for my thoughts on how best to proceed in the weeks and months ahead and how best to advance an agenda that can move our country forward. I have a simple answer: stick to the principles that propelled your campaigns. When you take your oath to support and defend our Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of your office, remember that present and future generations of “We the People” are counting on you to stand by that oath. Never forget the people who sent you to Washington. Never forget the trust they placed in you to do the right thing.

The task before you is daunting because so much damage has been done in the last two years, but I believe you have the chance to achieve great things.

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What Was He Thinking?

Gene Chandler has been taking a good deal of heat lately.  He deserves it in my opinion.  He knows full well the Democrats will make the same hay over the trumped up corn roast scandal, just like they did back then.  That means if he wins he’s on the defensive every single day instead of focusing on business.  It also means that the entire caucus has to defend their electing him to the post as well, even if they didn’t vote for him to be Speaker.

And if they try to claim they did not vote for him, now we have to defend against attacks of party division over the so-called "ethically challenged" Gene Chandler.

If you, for one moment think that won’t happen you are deluded.

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Can Gene Chandler Salvage The Liberal Agenda?

Provocative title, yes?  Well before you complain about it ask yourself a question.  Why does Dean "Bob" Barker, and the leftistas prefer Chandler over O’Brien?  "That the Dems, if unified, can play a role in preventing him [O’Brien]from being House Speaker, is good news. Dean is part and parcel to the entire Buckley/Sullivan progressive fringe … Read more

Redistribution of wealth

The Obama disaster tour is on the road complaining about how the Republicans are going to cut education funding by 20%. First, let me clarify that federal education funding could get cut 100% and I’d start to feel better, but since 20% is what we have to work with let’s work with it.

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