The Pledge To America

The Republicans have released their position paper for the 2010 election and the next congress.  I don’t have time to wade into now, but National Review Online has done the yoemans work already, and we can get into the specifics in the days to come–as in–after I’ve actually read the entire document.


Update–I’ve got the entire text, but still have not read it.  The graphs did not survive the copy so I’ll add those as images later, but all the text is there. Check it out on the jump.

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Worth Considering

Harry Reid’s Innocent Victims

They are making hay and BS sandwiches over at Boo-Hoo Hampshire, this time about the latest unemployment benefits stalemate.   Dean Barker–the Boo Hoo Guru–had begun by waxing on the CBS news coverage on the latest unemployment extension debate when he decided to lament (or perhaps invent) 30 years of GOP policy crushing the little guy, and how even now they are somehow still pulling the levers to crush them even more.  No I’m serious. 

But the best part is the “Boo-Hoo” hook.

The innocent victims, Mr. and Ms. Joe Taxpayer, won’t get what they need to stay solvent.  And nearly one of ten of them can’t find work.  And that’s not counting the vast underemployed.

The innocent victims!  Well what about that?

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“Bork!” Kagen

Republicans need to take the advice of democrats, and “Bork” Elena Kagen.  That’s what they would do. They’d ignore anything even remotely moderate, turn a giant lens on everything else, and burn a hole in her soul.  They would fashion a narrative, go on television, phone, write, blog, call, march, and shout until veins popped … Read more

Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?

…there are plenty of conservative heretics shifting boundaries and public opinion about the role of government. Fergus just doesn’t seem to see it.

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