Transgender flag fist

The Apartheid States Of America … You Are Second-Class Citizens

You remember COVID, don’t you, bitter-clingers? I know you don’t want to … because despite all the “tough talk” we’re hearing today, you COMPLIED, OBEYED, etc., etc., etc.. Remember how BLM and its “allies” were able to – indeed, encouraged to and praised for holding massive public protests for Saint George Floyd, but you weren’t allowed to go to church?

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Banana’s: Pride Month To Expand To Seven-Deadly Season

Capitalizing on the smashing success of another month of pride the crypto-fascists at Black Rock have excitedly announced they will be sponsoring Greed Month this coming December.  With the heavily commercialized holiday season (formerly Christmas) now a staple for churning out fiscal butter for the acquisition class the big players on Wall Street are certain they have a winner.

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Act Like Men Part 2: Politics and Passivity

Here in the Upper Valley the leadership among the local churches has a variety of approaches to leading their congregants, so far as teaching the Bible and sharing the gospel.  Some churches and their leaders take a traditional approach with acoustic hymns and worship styles followed by line by line exegesis of the scripture.

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Banana’s Inc. Proudly Introduces: Gommorah Heights Assisted Living!

Anticipating a generation of Bootie Boomers ™ Banana’s Inc. is excited to announce the development of state of the art assisted living facility adjacent to the Kendall Retirement Home in Hanover, NH / Dothan Brook Elementary, VT. Thanks to generous land grants obtained with the help of Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (pronounced boot-ee-judge) we take exceedingly great PRIDE announcing will be breaking new ground as we break societal norms this summer!

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Nemesis Waits A needl in every arm

CARTOON: Nemesis Checks the Time

A brief plea – I have seen my cartoons here and there around the net without my notice which is almost always at the bottom.  Please, I pay for my concepts to be done professionally – if you like a cartoon and want to post/share it, please do, but have the courtesy of keeping that notice on the image and also mentioning that you saw it here.  Thank you.

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