My husband and I attended the Queen City Pride and BLM Rally at Brady Sullivan Plaza in Manchester. We brought a sign saying “Marxism Ruins Everything” for the Marxist BLM and a Save Women’s Sports flag for the trans activists forcing women to accommodate men in their sports.
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Notable Quote – Dan Dickneite
Work and reward for work is essential to the human spirit. There is nothing that can replace the satisfaction and pride felt by someone who has done a good job, or the accolades that come from observers of a job well done, regardless of the task at hand. -Dan Dickneite (on Facebook)
New Hampshire Fisher Cats Team up with Abortion Facility
by Beth Scaer |
For the second year, the New Hampshire Fisher Cats have teamed up with the Equality Health Center for Pride Night. This is an unfortunate choice of organization for the Fisher Cats to support because, according to their website, the Equality Health Center performs abortions through 15.6 weeks of pregnancy, which is more than three weeks into the second trimester.