It Seems the American People Aren’t Buying That Leftist Foolishness, “Assigned at Birth”

by Skip

If you’re immersed in the Politics Pool like we are, we see this all the time “Assigned at birth.” That outright silliness and stupidity of those words strung together by those who are pushing the Transgender mantras.

Biology no longer matters (so much for the “SCIENCE!” schtick, eh?), the words sex and gender no longer mean the same (because THEY decided they had the RIGHT to redefined all on their own say so).

Sorry, sex/gender is a function of Biology where that is determined by conception. You know, a reality that is immutable versus “Assigned” that has the nuance and malleability that something can be changed later on (as well as the visualization that some clerk is looking at a clipboard (or tablet, if you prefer) and deciding, all on its zeirness, this is male, this is female, and this is some un-gawdly awkward name and PRESTO, zeirness’s words become biological reality.

Basically, it’s just the Left’s continuation to gaslight the rest of in believing we’re wrong and they are right. Really? Are you going to believe in their end game on EVERY topic that nothing is absolute and that the Left can proclaim that something is entirely something else any time they want – and you’ll just accept it?

Sorry, the American people aren’t accepting this childish game:

“Birth gender” presumably replaces “biology” or “science” in this new Gallup poll, but it’s still a welcome reminder of common sense. Womens’ sports require restriction to biological females, according to a large and broad majority of Americans. The only majority group opposing this obvious truth are … exactly who you’d guess:

New polling data released by Gallup on Tuesday found that a majority of Americans believe transgender athletes should play on sports teams that match the gender they were assigned at birth.

According to Gallup’s survey, 62 percent of Americans believe trans athletes should only be permitted to play on teams that align with their birth gender while 34 percent said they should be allowed to play on teams matching their gender identity.

Democrats were the only subgroup in the survey in which a majority said trans athletes should be able to play on teams matching their gender identity.

So, as many of us actually know, this is nothing but a Political Ploy For Power by using others, either willingly or unwillingly (can I say “unconscious” since the Left accuses us of “unconscious bias” all the time)? So, as many of us actually know, this is nothing but a further attempt to ERASE reality, to cause people to question themselves “am I right or wrong”? To put them in the spot of asking themselves “is this reality – or not”?

It is The Big Lie politics. They deny that conception, that first act of mitosis when the sperm fuses with the egg, DEFINES your gender and your sex.

Pawns, just political pawns. And as the above poll states, why is it only the Left (Democrats) pushing this unreality?

(H/T: Hot Air)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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