Hide and Seek

No wonder Freedom of Information laws have had to be created in the past decade or so. So many elected officials have been hiding so many underhanded dealings that once could be expected to be uncovered by real reporters. Sadly, they are now few and far between. They used to keep those officials thinking about their lower inclinations far more than today. Well, don’t expect all to come out sparkling clean and shiny, nope, check this one.

Per (PatriotWise.com) It appears Gary Gensler, chairman of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been caught removing events from the public version of his calendar with any mention of his meetings with Hillary Clinton and George Soros, and the essential information about those encounters.

It took a lawsuit by Energy Policy Advocates, a watchdog group, which had detected some glitches in the published calendar for them to get the internal documents ( the rest of the story).

As readers may know, the SEC has been getting some pushback for trying to get a climate disclosure rule requiring publicly traded companies to share carbon emissions data – as if SEC needed more power. The only possible reason SEC would want or need this rule would be to enforce more restrictions on fossil fuels as per the Biden agenda, even while having no reasonable replacement for those fuels and driving prices even higher for them.

The aforementioned meetings detail coverups that appeared to be regarding this power grab attempt by SEC. Energy Policy Advocates lawyer Chris Horner said it is “astonishing” that Soros received advice from the SEC chairman Gensler days before Soros wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal supporting the rule and on the mega-call donors for more SEC power.

We can make a pretty good guess now why the details of these meetings were scrubbed from the public record. Another underhanded plan to push the climate control scam, shown by any number of articles here at the ‘Grok,C02 emissions has not affected climate temperatures one bit. So unless those green “experts” can explain why it’s still cold out after CO2 levels are up, we can feel safe denying any more power to the SEC.


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