We can count on Kamala “Toes Up” Harris at JUST the right time

by Skip

SHOT: Biden goes all authoritarian and demanding those naughty 80 million unvaxxed get Jabbed to protect the Vaxxed (does that even make sense)?

Again, his absolute ANGER at those that simply refuse to do as he has told them to do. He’s taking the totalitarian view that if a policy is just SO GREAT, it must be made mandatory.

Let the lawsuits begin.

CHASER: Kamala Harris on Pro-Life Texas Law: U.S. Stronger When People Make Health ChoicesWithout Government Interference.

Harris met with providers from Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, and New Mexico to discuss the impact of Texas Senate Bill 8, otherwise known as the Texas Heartbeat Act, and other laws that effectively limit abortions around the country. She said:

The president and I are unequivocal in our support of Roe v. Wade, and the constitutionality of Roe v. Wade, and the right of women to make decisions for themselves with whomever they choose about their own bodies. And needless to say, the right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable.

Yes, she’s talking about the mother’s body without any regard to that of the baby she’s nurturing. But that’s not my point here and now.

Since Roe vs Wade was decided (wrongly – it was poorly done jurisprudence rhetoric), we’ve heard this nonsense about body autonomy wrapped up in “my body, my choice” and the Left has made that a hard and fast rule…

…until it doesn’t serve their agenda. Like now with Biden’s total dismissal of it when it comes to the Jab. Can’t the Left keep its messaging on point?  Either someone gets to decide what can be done with their own body – or they can’t. Where are the Feminists and the Abortionist?  Why aren’t they rushing into this fray to protect their precious “right” when it comes decision making and who gets to do it for whom?

Is Biden telling his Veep to go stuff it – which means that the abortion message is now just a heaping pile of goo on the floor? Or is Kamala now cutting Biden off at the knees in revenge in how he and his assistants have treated her thus far?

It certainly is fun for us on the Right watching this internecine bickering and we just have to further our efforts to take advantage of it.  Will the GOP notice this and ask the silly but serious question as to who is right in all this?

The actual answer is that BOTH are absolutely wrong in their own lanes, much to the detriment to the rest of us. But political points can be made in pointing out that the messaging is always the sidelight – it’s only meant to provide cover for their Power Grabs. Remember, they NEVER proceed to give us all our Freedoms back that they have taken from us.

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