Colin Booth – So Nice of Him To Show Us What a Democrat Scumbag He Is

by Skip

What are the watchwords of Progressive / Democrats / other assorted Leftists?  In their own Wokeness, they are all about “tolerance,” “inclusive | inclusiveness,” “affirmation,” and “community.” They bandy them about as if they believed them as the highest attributes in the world. If only they acted and spoke in concert with them.

Unfortunately, like many Democrats (especially those that have power over others), we have a shining example of yet another to whom the notion of “graceful” is an unknown quantity. May I present to you one NH Democrat Party Communications Dude, Colin Booth. He makes it clear that the above virtue set is only a collection of words to be used to further a political agenda when an opportunity presents itself. Otherwise, they just get in the way:


Colin Booth-tweet Tim Baxter is anti-gay NH Journal


This was his level of  “communications skills” in responding to the NHJ piece about Melissa Litchfield, Tim Baxter, and Karoline Leavitt running to be the Chair (and RNC Committee folks) for the NH Young Republicans (link below).  I just reviewed Booth’s Tweets, and I’m not surprised it was deleted.

Sidenote: All three should be voted in – I’ve known Melissa for years now and spent a lot of time talking with Baxter and Leavitt.

Now, there are always key phrases that Democrats will apply to anyone, not them. Reaching back into history, everyone that had an R after their name was a TEA Partier (what, Jeb Bradley was one?  Hahahahahaha.  Chuck Morse? Ditto). Now the epithets of choice” are Christo-facist (even if someone is Jewish), a KKK member (even if Black), xenophobic (even if a LEGAL immigrant).

And now, Tim Baxter is anti-LGBT.  Funny, he willingly went through our two-hour GrokGauntlet to vet his run for Congress this last cycle (although we did finally endorse Leavitt), but it was a very close call as all of us thought well of Tim.  I’ll be honest – at no time did his sexuality come up. He was just another politician running for a higher office. He knows where I (and GraniteGrok) stand on lots of issues.  And we put him through the wringer.

But hey, Collin Booth works for Ray Buckley, who doesn’t have a nice word for anyone who either isn’t a Democrat or someone who can’t (or won’t) help in, in some fashion, or crosses him in any small way. The little acorn didn’t fall far from the root.

What Booth put out on full display is who the Democrats really are – nasty and brutish. For all their calls for civility (that really was a “thing” a few years ago), they accuse everyone “not them” of being uncivil when their own words belied what they were preaching.

It is ALWAYS the politics of personal destruction with them – and Tim Baxter was the brunt of it this time. I’ve been there, others have been as well.  Simply because we aren’t them or share their worldview and are seen to be impediments to either their keeping ahold of power and stopping them from gaining it (or more of it).

It is ALWAYS, and fundamentally about Power.

And Tim Baxter is seen, from that point of view, as a large threat indeed.

Doesn’t he look rather condescending at everyone?


(H/T: NH Journal)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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