They Said What?

Listening to the Left is like an exercise in gibberish nonsense. In one LTE in the Daily Sun, the writer claims anyone questioning their narrative on “global warming” is a denial of science. Nonsense!

Global warming exists and has for ten thousand years. What we on the right believe is:

  1. that no way is the world going to end (the sky will not fall) in any living person’s lifetime or this or the next century.
  2. All their “science” is mere political hyperbole. Not one of their disaster predictions has shown any signs of actually happening.
  3. Even if there was evidence supporting their theory, we have zero ability to seriously change things globally because major polluting nations such as Russia, China, India, and most “developing” nations are exempt from the Paris Accords. Or, have no intentions of abiding by them.
  4. Replacing fossil fuels sounds good but with what? Where are the ten’s of millions of solar panels, wind turbines, and various other “green energy ” producing devices, on hand, or being manufactured to make up for the lost energy from those fossil fuels? Even if they get manufactured, how will we dispose of them, and the heavy metals in them, when they finally do fail?

Now, about their claim of “following the Science”? How is it that the Left accepts as science that “men can get pregnant and give birth”, that a person can select their “preferred” gender or morph one to another, and that people of color can not be prejudiced?

How about the Left’s narratives that America was created by our founders out of slavery, that all white people are inherently racist, and that White Democrat liberals work to “free” Blacks from conservative, White, racist Republicans oppressing them? History is that Whites did not invent slavery. In fact, Whites ended slavery. Liberal Dem. cities ( run by Dems for decades) Blacks suffer from substandard schools, substandard housing, high poverty rates, high drug addiction rates, murder, crime, poor health care, and very high abortion rates due to broken families. How are any of these not civil rights violations by these progressive liberals?

When BLM/Antifa terrorists ravaged their cities, where were the Democrat Mayors, Governors, and City Counselors demanding that the police restore order and arrest the rioters? Why was Kyle Rittenhouse singled out by Leftist prosecutors – a young man running for his life, forced by violent criminals to defend himself against them with lethal force, prosecuted? And subsequently found not guilty on all counts by a jury of his peers).

Given its Power, it has been clearly demonstrated none on the Democrat side can be trusted with that Power not to violate either their oaths of office, law, or the Constitutions of our States or Nation. Voters must reject any and all of these candidates both in September and November.

Vote like your lives depends on it, as they well may.


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