The Expansion of The Tyrannical Admininstrative State is In Overdrive – Can It Be Stopped?

by Skip

The 1948 Administrative Powers Act gave the Executive Branch, 75 years down the line, the Powers to be its own Government. I hate Congress for passing it and, in doing so, making itself irrelevant. Congress can’t even do their primary jobs anymore.

The Executive Branch is laughing itself all the way to the Federal Register (where our Freedoms and Liberties go to die by the cut of a million rules, regulations, guidance, and “Dear Colleague” letters.

They came for our showerheads. They came for our lightbulbs (incandescent bulbs can no longer be sold on Aug 1st). They came for our energy sources. They came for our gas stoves (and our fridges, dishwashers, clothes washers & dryers, biological sex, now for our air conditioners…oh, and gas generators just now). The makeup of our local communities (Federal overriding local community zoning). And now, the Biden Administration is going to fulfill Obama’s “radically transform the United States” by taking away our gas-powered cars. Literally, anything that uses energy types that they don’t like.

And yes, I STILL want to blame the guy that ruined gas cans for all of us. I spill more on the ground and let more vapors into the air than I ever have before.

Wasn’t “W. Virginia vs. EPA” enough to shock the EPA bureaucrats back into sensibilities? No, they didn’t care then, and they don’t care. They are proving that the vaunted Progressive “Administrative State,” the ultimate goal since the early 1900s, was to destroy/make irrelevant the Constitution and our democratic voting processes.

WHERE DOES THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH HAVE THE POWER TO DO THIS???  To obsolete yet another industry just because they think they “know what’s best for us”?

‘Complete Transformation’: New Biden Rule Would Force Automakers to Ditch Gas, Sell Electric Vehicles

The Biden administration is set to unveil new environmental regulations that would force U.S. automakers to sell electric vehicles over their gas-powered counterparts, a move experts say will kill jobs and bring major supply chain issues.

President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency will announce on Wednesday a proposed rule to limit tailpipe emissions. That rule, according to the New York Times, will impose a strict emissions limit on vehicles soldso strict that it will force automakers to ensure that two-thirds of the vehicles they sell are electric by 2032. “This is a massive undertaking,” said Alliance for Automotive Innovation president John Bozzella, who represents U.S. automakers. “It is nothing short of a complete transformation of the automotive industrial base and the automotive market.”

Again, WHO GIVES THEM THIS POWER?  This is nothing short of Sovietizing our transportation system.  For all the times that the Left calls the Right “fascists,” the Democrat/Progressives in the EPA (you know, the “Party of Government” in both meanings of the phrase) are proving that the spirit of Mussolini is alive and well. They are proving that they don’t have to OWN the means of production to CONTROL the means of production.

Free Market sensibilities are over if this is allowed to continue. The problem is that Obamacare did the same thing to healthcare – and the Party we expected to stop it went along with it.

We rebelled against the British King for a similar mindset of “We tell you, and you WILL obey us.” Yet, we accept this from people who believe that receiving a government paycheck THAT WE PAY FOR gives them this kind of Power?

This isn’t about gas vs. electric – it’s about control. Price them out of the budget of ordinary households? You’ve taken them away. Remove the gas to power them? You’ve taken them away.  Ditto for EVs.   Now what can you do? If they can turn off your internet-connected furnace or air conditioners, they can do it to your EV.

They will be, with no uncertainty about it, smiling. They have no sense of “limited government” because they are becoming intoxicated with telling us how we will live. We’re becoming modern-day serfs…

You know what’s needed? A modification kit for our gas vehicles – cut another hole on the other side of our vehicles from the gas one that would allow any EV charger to be inserted into it and tie up that charger. You know, like Saul Alinsky did to O’Hare airport (had his activists take up every toilet seat/urinal when jumbo jets started their unloading of “very full” passengers).

Mark Tapscott (at Instapundit, where I first saw this story) has this ending comment:

But what if two-thirds of the people buying new vehicles prefer an internal combustion engine under their shiny new hoods? The results of a recent survey for AP, NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, and the Energy Policy Institute show less than one in five Americans say they intend to buy an EV.

Apparently, EPA officials haven’t read this, which explains why America will never go EV.

They don’t care. The government has reached the point that they will reach for ANYTHING as long as they think they can get away with it. Remember Biden and his Eviction Moratorium?  He knew it was unconstitutional at the time but did it anyways. It was ruled unconstitutional and voided.  What was his reaction?

Issued it again.  Daring SCOTUS to rule against him again, thinking that it would take so long to rise to SCOTUS that it wouldn’t matter.  They ruled against him the next week. Even today, you see Democrats, like AOC and Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), telling Biden to ignore the Federal judge that ruled against mifepristone (the abortion pill).

Not mad enough?

I’ve oft said that The State has pushed true charities out of Civil Society. Now we are seeing our Freedom and Agency suffering the same fate.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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