Police car lights

Support Your Local Police And Keep them Independent

One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.

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Police car lights

Burlington VT Mayor and City Council Want More Cops But Will They Have Their Back – And Why Would They?

If you looked through the haze and smoke from all those peaceful protests back in 2020, you saw some things. The Democrat Cop haters running Burlington, Vermont, for example, defunded the city police force. Before that, they had 92 sworn officers. Today, they are down to sixty-three, twenty-two of whom are on actual patrol. Why yes, crime is up.

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Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

When Will We Protect Those Who Protect Us

There is a human tragedy occurring around us every day. People who stepped up to protect our country or went to work each day not knowing the dangers they would face are opting to end their lives rather than face their demons.

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Warning staff is armed

Why not our schools?

I’m tired of millions of law-abiding citizens with no relationship to school shooters or responsibility for protecting schools being blamed rather than the shooters themselves and those people with the authority, ability, and responsibility to stop these criminals.

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Live Free or Die NH

I Have Dodged So Many Bullets

I grew up in upstate New York in a small town called Port Crane, which lay along the once burgeoning Chenango Canal. I spent many youthful hours in another stop on that ancient canal system, the fire station in Port Dickinson, NY, which my grandfather established.

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Joe Biden – Boring but Dangerous

After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is that he’s boring.  The New York Times published a recent article entitled “Voters Chose Boring Over Bombast…”

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