One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.
How Many Female Chicago Cops Does it Take To Arrest One Guy?
If you’d like a portrait of modern policing post-George Floyd Fraud, at least in Chicago, this might be your ticket. Four CPD diversity hires. All women. At least two “of color.” One taller black man is under arrest for retail theft (which is, itself, a rare thing). They can’t get the job done.
Burlington VT Mayor and City Council Want More Cops But Will They Have Their Back – And Why Would They?
If you looked through the haze and smoke from all those peaceful protests back in 2020, you saw some things. The Democrat Cop haters running Burlington, Vermont, for example, defunded the city police force. Before that, they had 92 sworn officers. Today, they are down to sixty-three, twenty-two of whom are on actual patrol. Why yes, crime is up.
Man Calls Cops On ATF Agent, Who Loses Tough-Guy Fed Act In A Hurry
A lot of comments on social media are saying “this is exactly how you do it.” Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. We know that any interaction with the police can escalate quickly, and especially if they are called in for a “pretend” federal agent, as happens here.
When Will We Protect Those Who Protect Us
There is a human tragedy occurring around us every day. People who stepped up to protect our country or went to work each day not knowing the dangers they would face are opting to end their lives rather than face their demons.
Why not our schools?
I’m tired of millions of law-abiding citizens with no relationship to school shooters or responsibility for protecting schools being blamed rather than the shooters themselves and those people with the authority, ability, and responsibility to stop these criminals.
Crime Minister Tru-Doh!’s Mounted Jackboot Tramples an “Indigenous” Elder at Freedom Protest
Any moment now, we should be able to hear the Wokeasaurus crying for justice after an indigenous elder was injured. One of Crime Minister Tru-Doh!’s mounted enforcers knocked her to the ground. Any minute now. Just listen.
Should NH Criminals Look Left as Vermont Continues to Decimate Local Law Enforcement
Vermont has a smaller population than New Hampshire but a larger percentage of Left-Wing Stooges. Over the years, the result has been an opportunity to see how you should and should not run a small state. New Hampshire yes, Vermont, No. And that gap continues to grow.
I Have Dodged So Many Bullets
I grew up in upstate New York in a small town called Port Crane, which lay along the once burgeoning Chenango Canal. I spent many youthful hours in another stop on that ancient canal system, the fire station in Port Dickinson, NY, which my grandfather established.
Vaccine Mandates and the Nationalization of American Health Care
What if you could wave a magic wand (or write a memo) and have a nonexistent government mandate enforced by fearful private sector factions? You get what you want without having to expend any actual political capital, and no one can sue you over it because no existing law or rule exists.
Joe Biden – Boring but Dangerous
After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is that he’s boring. The New York Times published a recent article entitled “Voters Chose Boring Over Bombast…”
Why is Systemic Racism Apparent Mostly in Democrat Controlled Cities?
We’re told that America is “systemically racist.” I don’t agree, but parts of America appear to be treated in a “systemically racist” way. “Systemic” means a system, an organization, or process with legal authority.
Overnight ‘New Normal’ in America is Teenage Knife Fights
You don’t need a gun because we don’t need cops (with guns) and oh, by the way, nothing to see here. Teen knife fights are more common than abortions after the shooting death of Ma’khia “I’m gonna stab the f**k out of you, bitch,” Bryant.
A Government Employee Shoots a Civilian and the Solution to That ‘Problem’ Is to Disarm More Civilians?
Ashli Babbitt’s death in DC was ruled a homicide, but the Feds have announced no one will be charged. In Minnesota, another government employee accidentally killed an unarmed civilian (Daunte Wright), and the Federal response to that is to disarm more civilians.
Data Point – How Accurate Are Guesses Of How Many Black Men Killed By Police In 2019? Progressives vs Conservatives
Yeah, we’re back to “intentions” or “furtherance” of one’s ideology. And it is clear from looking at the chart below, there’s a strong bias on the Left “to make crap up” to support their outlook.
While the Left Was Defunding the Police the US Had a 30% Spike in Homicides
Democrats destroy everything they touch. You’ve heard me say it before because it’s true. Livelihoods, lives, all grist for the political mill. And the summer of protests to defund the police were no different. While Dems were rushing to defund the police, US cities saw an unprecedented 30% spike in homicides.
The Left’s Love Affair With Crime Is Disorder in Pursuit of ‘Order’
I had an email conversation with a reader about Dems and Local Policing. They were wondering, what’s the deal not just with defund but not investigating crimes. Why are these Democrats letting criminals out of jail or not prosecuting a growing list of criminal behavior?
City of Detroit Sues BLM Protesters for A Coordinated Civil Conspiracy
BLM Protesters were not all peaceful. Many of those found themselves confronted by cops trying to protect the public and public property. This professional victim class has decided to sue the city of Detroit, and the city has said thank you. We’re suing you back.
Defund the Police You Say … Okay … Now What?
Since May Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists have demanded elected officials “Defund the Police.” Many Democratic-controlled cities followed through with these leftist demands. Today they are experiencing a surge in violent crimes.
Defund-Seattle Social Worker Stabbed to Death by Enraged Client
As Seattle continues to consider the idea of replacing police officers with social workers, we have tragic news. Kristin Benson, a 42-year old social worker in Seattle, has been stabbed to death by a ‘client‘ two days before Thanksgiving.