Should NH Criminals Look Left as Vermont Continues to Decimate Local Law Enforcement

Steve MacDonald

Vermont has a smaller population than New Hampshire but a larger percentage of Left-Wing Stooges. Over the years, the result has been an opportunity to see how you should and should not run a small state. New Hampshire yes, Vermont, No. And that gap continues to grow.

After the Summer of “peaceful Protest that destroys billions in property belonging mostly to minority job creators and families, guilty white libs in blue states (like Vermont) pitched lifted their white flags and began defunding local police.

Yes, the response to increased violence is more room to destroy. Just ask the prophet, “Stephanie Rawlings-Blake,” from Baltimore. A city that in march of 2020 had to ask people to stop shooting each other because they need the hospital beds to kill COVID patients.

It is a city that promotes prison reform to get former Mayors out of jail.

The Green Mountain State’s liberal toilets like Burlington and Brattleboro have watched crime rise as the number of officers declines. An issue that’s gotten worse, not better, as the Chair of Vermont’s Senate’s Judiciary Committee is all in on the crapping on Cops narrative supported by pro-crime liberal special interest groups.

The goal is to make it impossible to hire and retain police officers as if the State was not already doing a great job at that.


Vermont State Police, with an authorized strength of 333 troopers, recently reported that it has over 50 vacant positions. Add to these numbers the wholesale dissolution of the Burlington and Rutland police forces and what the respective municipalities are attempting to do in re-staffing. It is unprecedented. Burlington is even offering a $15,000 signing bonus to police recruits, and the crisis is not limited to Vermont’s two largest cities.


That’s an interesting contrast. We don’t need you, and we’re not going to back you up when the next Twitter video goes viral, but how about 15K of someone else’s money as an incentive in case we change our minds. You can use it to retain a lawyer because you’ll probably need one working for us.

Oh, and you need to get vaccinated, and wear a mask and sign me up – or not so much. And you can see what’s happening from here. A few years ago, Vermont was competing for the safest State in the nation. It had since slipped to second and then fourth as progressive influence has solidified statewide.

In other words, they are on the slippery slope, right next door to the Granite State.

The reader who sent me this story suggested building a wall along the Connecticut River, but I had a better idea. Constitutional Carry New Hampshire is already one of the safest states in the nation. Why not let Vermont incentivize the migration of criminals westward, with some encouragement from us, where they are likely to have more success.

I know they still have some rather lax gun laws over there, but given the political trajectory, the Progs will be ramping up the disarmament rhetoric sooner rather than later.

Crime will rise due to Democrat policy which Dems will use as an excuse to disarm law-abiding citizens. Crime will worsen, and they can blame gun-crazy New Hampshire for all their illegal guns.

I’d be surprised if NH Dems were not leading this charge as an excuse to disarm us.

Maybe the Democrats should all move over there as well, to the Liberal utopia. It’s the most vaccinated State in the US and just a hop and a skip away.

And Vermont is to the left of New Hampshire. That sounds like Destiny to me. We’ll help you pack.

And then we can build that wall (on their side of the river) with limited cross-border access for tobacco, motor fuel, and liquor, but we’ll need to see some sort of “passport” before you can come in… /snicker.

Build a wall, not to keep the seas from ruining the ever-increasing values of the coastal property the progs are buying up around Portsmouth but to keep the sea of crime and mounting progressive bullsh!t from spilling back across the Connecticut River into New Hampshire.

And no, Vermont is not Baltimore, but neither was Baltimore until Democrats ran it for decades unopposed.

Remember, Democrats destroy everything they touch, and they are wrecking Vermont right before our eyes.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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