Fox News Budlight

Paul Ryan Tells CBS That CRT, DEI, Grooming Aren’t A Big Deal

Paul Ryan is NOT a conservative. He is a Koch-bot, corporatist grifter who believes in Forever-Wars, thinks freedom is measured by corporate-profits and is maniacally obsessed with cutting Social Security. Except for the GOP “donor class,” Ryan and his ilk represent nobody, have no constituency. Here is Ryan telling CBS that the Left’s Woke-War on … Read more

Paul Ryan on Poverty

by Skip

“The mindset behind this approach is that a nation should measure compassion by the size of the federal government and how much it spends….The problem is, starting in the 1960s, this top-down approach created and perpetuated a debilitating culture of dependency, wrecking families and communities.”

There’s a vast middle ground between the government and the individual.  Our families and our neighborhoods, the groups we join and our places of worship – this is where we live our lives.  They shape our character, give our lives direction, and help make us a self-governing people.”

From Paul Ryan’s speech of yesterday (courtesy of Washington Examiner via Heritage).

 I’ve listened, for years now, that we have to help the poor, the misfortunate, and those well off than ourselves.  Actually, I’ve heard that message almost since I became “self-aware” – time after time hearing that from my parents, my family, and in church.  According to them, it was a moral imperative.  And I still, to this day, agree with it wholeheartedly.  It was up to me – that *I* had to be the one to personally do the reaching out, to personally roll up the sleeves, to personally unload my wallet.

In other words – the message was one of personal responsibility – that the Sermon on the Mount was meant for ME; that Jesus’s admonish of “to the least” was directed to my heart, my compassion, and my willingness to put away my idea of what was important and to just go and do.  And “do” was not something to be outsourced to others – it was, and remains, a personal responsibility, an outgrowth of a Christian heart and a demonstration of obedience to His Commandments of a personal transformation and willingness to walk in His footsteps.

It was never a command to “outsource that responsibility to unknown people in Government to do it for me”.  Yet, that is what our current society has done – especially those Progressives who believe that ONLY government programs can suffice.  In fact, during a recent John Stossel program, the head of NYC’s Human Resources Administration Robert Doar openly and publicly stated that it was his determined opinion that charity could NEVER do what Government could.  And Big Govt folks, in area after area after area, have used the size, money, and coercion of the State to crowed out almost all of the formerly private charitable organizations and have co-opted many of those that remain with money – with strings attached (in essence, making them nothing more than a further outreach of governmental bodies and kingdoms).

And most Progressives agree – yet, even having spent over $20 Trillion on the “poor” since the War on Poverty began, and now almost $1 Trillion annually, is that really the solution?    I disagree vehemently – the Progressive intent, started in full measure by FDR, has not had the result of that intent.  In fact, it has been a failure by the easiest of measures – has all that money actually solved the problem?

The answer, plain and simple, is no.  And Progressives continue to shriek that decreasing Federal and State budgets “will hurt the poor” – a self-continuing circle (and one in which, if you simply look at Joe Biden’s charitable contributions on his tax returns as a typical example, show little personal concern in what used to be a personal responsibility).

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What Happens If Obama Wins?

This is a direct question to my Libertarian leaning friends who claim to have a love of liberty so deep that they would rather watch it bleed out on the street than vote for Mitt Romney.  I get it.   I was never a huge Romney guy.  I was no fan of John McCain either but I understood he risk that Obama represented to liberty.  Not enough of us did and Obama was elected.

So here we are again, almost four years into the worst presidency ever, a world in chaos, economic, political, and that same guy wants four more years.   Is it really worth the risk?

And just to be clear, I do not care about your Gary Johnson or Ron Paul write-in fantasies.  We are way, way past that.  This is the real world. This is about putting Liberty on life support.  About keeping it breathing.   To stop the bleeding before there is nothign left to save.   And color it any way you want but voting for anyone but Romney (at this point) is a vote for Obama.  I don’t like it, but that’s how it is.  And while you are free to vote for whomever you like regardless, no matter what the risk, I want you to honestly answer this question first, before you go to the polls in November and risk it.

What Happens if Obama Wins?

(And for those intent on going off on some libertarian anti-Romney rant…The almighty says don’t change the subject just answer the F…ing Question.)

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Is the GOP Headed for Implosion?

by Tom

Boehner The Clown

House Speaker John Boehner took part in an interview with Fox News this week and one of the topics, invariably, was VP-pick, Paul Ryan.  During the interview, Greta Van Susteren challenged Boehner about Ryan’s votes for TARP, the auto bailouts, and two 2008 stimulus programs, asking how, as a Conservative, he politically “sells that”.

Boehner responded with just about the stupidest, yet telling, remark possible…

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Mysterious Folder Conundrum

by Tom

Love Birds

Suppose you fall in love with someone who is good looking, well groomed, and has lots of potential.  Let’s say you two lovebirds decide to get married.  Giddiness and joy all around…congratulations.

One day, you are at the supermarket, casually buying grapes (so you can feed them to your love, like they do in the old-timey movies), when a shadowy person comes up behind you and hands you a sealed folder.  The mystery person whispers in your ear and says…

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Medicare Fraud – [Updated and Bumped – Again…]

When I say “Medicare Fraud,” I’m not referring to the corrupt practices of people and professionals who are milking taxpayers by running fast circles around the bureaucratic behemoth that is Medicare.  I am referring to the left-wing Democrat lie-factory that has nothing in its barren campaign quiver but fear tactics.   That is the fraud I am referring to.   That and the fraud they will perpetrate on every aspect of the Ryan Budget.

I just hope Harry Reid has nothing to say about the Ryan budget…you know…that might get awkward.

Here’s a short clip from CBS news c/o Hot Air on Romney/Ryan and Medicare…

[Update(s) on the jump]

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Re: It’s Game Time! Romney / Ryan vs Obama / Biden

Skip,  I’m not so sure I agree with your characterization that Ryan “… is not exactly a conservative movement guy…”.  I’ve been listening to his speeches and interviews for sometime, and he provides clues that betray a good understanding of the conservative movement’s origins and principles.

For starters, I think he fits into the libertarian/free market branch, at least as how it was defined at the start of the modern conservative movement in the 1940’s and 1950’s, by requiring his staff to read Rand, Mises and Hayek.  I’m not much of a Randian, and she’s was essentially written out of the movement, but Hayek was, is, a key pillar.  Hayek’s work is invaluable to the movement and should be required reading of those interested in learning and understanding it.

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Romney Picks Ryan for VP (Updated)

This morning Mitt Romney announced that Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan is his pick for VP.

I’d call this a great choice.  Given that we very likley have over 200 Trillion in unfunded entitlements to deal with, and Ryan being the only guy with a well developed plan–not for cutting or gutting but for dealing with the promises we’ve made and working toward a long term resolution–choosing Ryan says that Romney is serious about dealing with entitlement spending.

And while no plan is perfect, at least there is a Ryan Plan.

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