Re: It’s Game Time! Romney / Ryan vs Obama / Biden

Skip,  I’m not so sure I agree with your characterization that Ryan “… is not exactly a conservative movement guy…”.  I’ve been listening to his speeches and interviews for sometime, and he provides clues that betray a good understanding of the conservative movement’s origins and principles.

For starters, I think he fits into the libertarian/free market branch, at least as how it was defined at the start of the modern conservative movement in the 1940’s and 1950’s, by requiring his staff to read Rand, Mises and Hayek.  I’m not much of a Randian, and she’s was essentially written out of the movement, but Hayek was, is, a key pillar.  Hayek’s work is invaluable to the movement and should be required reading of those interested in learning and understanding it.

Ryan also references some of the philosophical aspects that would never make it out of someone who hasn’t given much thought to conservative principles.  Can you imagine Romney touching on the Hobbesian State of Nature, the Social Darwinism canard, or defining equality as equal opportunity, not equal outcomes or results?

Also, given that he’s Catholic, it completely makes sense that he understands Meyer’s Fusionism, and more impressively, can actually explain it quite well:

“A “libertarian” who wants limited government should embrace the means to his freedom: thriving mediating institutions that create the moral preconditions for economic markets and choice. A “social issues” conservative with a zeal for righteousness should insist on a free market economy to supply the material needs for families, schools, and churches that inspire moral and spiritual life. In a nutshell, the notion of separating the social from the economic issues is a false choice. They stem from the same root”

And, just this morning, “We will not replace our founding principles, we will reapply them.”

I am waiting for him to proclaim that we must, “Stand athwart history yelling, Stop!”.  I think Buckley  would be proud of Ryan and, I think, recognize him as a member of the movement.  I certainly do.

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