Harris Was Targeting Haley Holdouts in Fox News Interview

Kamala Harris did not enter the Fox News den to convert the MAGA faithful. She went there to appeal to the new apostates; Republican voters disillusioned with their own party generally and Donald Trump specifically.  Harris campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said the vice president’s aim was to convince supporters of Nikki Haley, the other female … Read more

Gov Phill Scott - Gov Page Screen Grab

Scott Endorses Haley After Equivocating On Divisive Speech

Sundays are usually a day of rest and a time to, if one uses it to reflect on the goodness of God, escape the ubiquitous bad-mouthing of our fellow citizens.  Today in the progressive strong-hold of South Burlington Nikki Haley was visiting Vermonters willing to entertain the idea she still has a chance against Republican juggernaut Donald Trump.

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The Failed Attempt to Stop Trump in New Hampshire

In our follow-up media reviews of the Tuesday dumping of Nikki Haley by 10 to 12%, depending on who’s count, it’s been confirmed many Democrats didn’t write in Biden as requested but voted on the Repub ticket for Haley as suggested. All in the failed attempt to pull off the upset and stop Trump.

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NH Republicans: We’ve Seen Enough, Close the Primary!

There are 276,262 registered Republicans in NH as of 12/28/23. The total number of Republican primary voters is reported to be 322,284, a 121% turnout. How was this possible? Assuming an 80% registered Republican turnout, I estimate that 109,000 non-Republicans crossed over on election day to tip the scales!

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Haley Owned by Democrat Donors

How much Haley Mail have you received lately?  If you’re like most people I know, you’ve probably received no less than 25-30 cardboard flyers in one week.  In one week!

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Nikki Haley is George Bush in a Dress

Nikki “Read My Lips” Haley! Where have we heard this before? And Nikki is financed by the same elitist money that paid Old Man Bush to say that, and, based on Nikki’s prior political history, we will suffer the same result if she is ever given the keys to the White House.

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Our FITN Matters: From Reagan to Haley

It seemed Ronald Reagan’s political career was over in early 1980. Despite Gerald Ford having wrested the 1976 GOP nomination from him, Reagan gave the presidency one last try in 1980 at age 69—which Democrats said was too old. (Irony alert.)

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