Nikki Haley is George Bush in a Dress

Nikki “Read My Lips” Haley! Where have we heard this before? And Nikki is financed by the same elitist money that paid Old Man Bush to say that, and, based on Nikki’s prior political history, we will suffer the same result if she is ever given the keys to the White House.

Nikki has always been for something before she is against it, and vice versa. Let’s see why Nikki cannot be trusted:

In the presence of Chris Sununu, Nikki says: “The structure (of the primary) is really amusing. Iowa starts it. YOU CHANGE PERSONALTIES, then you go into New Hampshire.”

In 2021, Nikki vowed not to step in the way if Trump ran for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Nikki was opposed to President Trump’s building of a border wall in 2016. Nikki also supports amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens who broke the law to enter the U.S.

Apparently, Nikki reneged on her promise not to oppose Trump because of the Wall Street mega-donors, including billionaire investors Stanley Druckenmiller, Eric Levine, Terry Kassel, and Annie Dickerson. Even Democrat Jamie Dimon is reportedly considering Nikki (see Financial Times article by Alex Rogers and Brooke Masters, dated 11/ 16/ 2023). This explains the endless nauseating TV ad attacks New Hampshire has been subjected to.

Nikki promised no new taxes to win the South Carolina governorship and then pulled a George Herbert Walker Bush.

Nikki even made her husband change his name from Bill to Mike

Nikki’s personality is Doctor Jekyll and Mrs. Hyde. We never know which Nikki will show up. Further, her campaign promises to melt like a shooting star entering Earth’s atmosphere or ride away into the universe on the aptly named “ Haley’s Comet.”

Please join Rand Paul in being “ Never Nikki.”


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