Senator Tim Scott and Former Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley of South Carolina have incredible life stories that should bring hope to every American. They are genuine American tales of how anyone can rise from the lowest to the highest levels of success if they have the mindset to do so.
Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley Goes All In On GROOMING …
Apparently Nikki Haley sees Putin whenever she sees Ron DeSantis … and Ukraine when she sees Disney … Florida is Russia … and Disney’s groomer-in-chief, Bob Iger, is Zelensky. Yup … Nikki is more concerned with protecting Ukraine’s borders … much more concerned … than with protecting children from globalist-corporations whose business-model centers around the … Read more
Nikki Haley Is OBVIOUSLY Well Past Her Prime
It’s hard to believe that some people are arguing that Nikki Haley is NOT past her prime. Nikki’s prime was 40 years ago, when the Soviet Union was actually a security threat and NATO was relevant. Russia is NOT the Soviet Union and the war in Ukraine is NOT about protecting America … it is … Read more
Sun-Princess Nikki Haley … Billions For Ukraine, Pennies For America’s Young Peasants
So Sun-King Sununu in a dress … that would be the Sun-Princess, Nikki Haley … is running for President to keep funding that corrupt kleptocracy called Ukraine AND cut Social Security … but ONLY for younger voters.
So, #2 Is in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary: Nikki Haley
Yep, something slipped by me/us yesterday. While there is no dearth of “possibilities” showing up in the media & blogosphere for those that are thinking of declaring to be an actual candidate (e.g., Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Asa Hutchinson, Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Mike Pompeo, Kristi Noem, Larry Hogan, Tom Cotton, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, … Read more
Nikki Who? … The Sun-Princess Cometh
Remember Nikki Haley? Governor of South Carolina, who left that gig to be Trump’s United Nations Ambassador, who left that gig after only two years. Well … Nikki is planning to announce on February 15th that she is running for President. So … it’s time for a nickname for Nikki. Like New Hampshire’s Sun-King Chris … Read more
A Week After Dissing Trump Nikki Haley Asks for a Meeting – The Donald Says No!
A few days after declaring herself a neo-con anti-Trumper Nikki Haley realized the error of her ways. She tried to patch things up with an op-ed to the Wall Street Journal filled with a ‘Trump did good things’ word salad. Fences mended? Let bygones be bygones? Not a chance.
Nikki Haley Has Decided She Never Wants to Be President of the United States
The main curtain closed on impeachment theater yesterday (Act 2 Scene 2) but not before someone from the former Trump Administration “announced” they never want to be president. Never.
Nikki Haley – Biden and Democrats Blame America First, Trump Puts America First
More Convention sound bites, this time from Nikki Haley, repeats a great line. Joe Biden and the Democrats are still blaming America first. That could not be more true. And not just in the context of her remarks about foreign policy.
Joe Biden Proves Mattis’ “Divisive Trump” Remarks are a Progressive Talking Point
John Kelly was briefly the White House Chief of Staff. Once appointed, his job (which Trump figured out not soon enough) was to stuff the West Wing with Never-Trumpers and Progressive mules. He was tasked by insiders to surround Trump with Swamp water.
America After Trump
Is it too early to contemplate a search for a clone of Donald Trump for the 2024 election? Maybe not! But is Trump replaceable? The man who restored America’s pride, dignity, optimism, and hope after a devastating eight dismal years of Barack Hussein Obama!
Nikki Haley – John Kelly and Rex Tillerson “tried to recruit her to undermine President Donald Trump”
The government is full of people who think they know better. Better than the founders (Electoral college). Better than the American people (who elected Donald Trump). They are so smart they will do anything to be right, including undermining the President.
Will Trump Replace Pence for 2020 Run…with Nikki Haley?
Mr. Trump likes to surround himself with fresh thinkers. That’s a nice way of saying everyone has a shelf life and it’s closer to milk than a Twinkie. Moving in and then out of the Trump orbit is common as he looks for the people who get things done on his schedule and to his … Read more
Breaking: Nikki Haley Resigns as U.S. Ambassador to the UN
Nikki Haley is resigning as our ambassador to the UN. Probably the best one we’ve had in my lifetime. And depending on who you believe this was something Mr. Trump knew about six months ago or it’s a surprise to everyone. It can certainly be both. HotAir shares some other ideas about why she is departing the … Read more
Hogg Fit to be Tied Over “Haley’s” Pricey Drapes. Problem? Obama Admin Bought Them.
The New York Times buried a Hogg trap inside a recent article on Ambassador Nikki Haley. The headline reads, “Nikki Haley’s View of New York Is Priceless. Her Curtains? $52,701.” A Rootin-Tootin Media Hogg named David saw that and whipped out his virtue-signaling sicks-shooters to unload on the U.S. Ambassador to the UN.
There are starving children in America everyday and you have the audacity to misappropriate thousands of tax dollars for your own lavish lifestyle. Resign immediately.
Six paragraphs into the Times piece we find out that Haley, Trump, and The State Department “inherited the extravagant window coverings” from the previous administration.
Donald Trump Pulls United States Out of the UN Human Rights Council
Yesterday, Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo announced the United States intention to withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council citing its entrenched bias against Israel and inclusion of “notorious human rights abusers” as members.
U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, who has sought major changes on the council throughout her tenure, issued a blistering critique of the panel, saying it had grown more callous over the past year and become a “protector of human rights abusers and a cesspool of political bias.” She cited the admission of Congo as a member even as mass graves were being discovered there, and the failure to address human rights abuses in Venezuela and Iran.
The UN Human Rights Council is a joke. The preeminent example of letting wolves “guard” the Hen House.
Marco and Nikki, Sitting in a Tree…
Marco skipped out on a Conservative conference to pal around with his newest convert, Nikki Haley, who is positioning herself to be Rubio’s VP. We also talked about the RNC’s tolerance (blame Steve Duprey) for moderators who hate their candidates, vote fraud, a primary for Kelly Ayotte, and does she have a shot just a … Read more