“Independents For Nikki” is a Bush Family Anti-Trump Front

In the aftermath of the New Hampshire primary and the double-digit beating suffered by Nikki Haley, we received all sorts of tips and details, one of which was a query. Do you have any idea who is behind the group Independents Moving the Needle?

Their name is at the bottom of all the Independents for Nikki signs you may have seen near polling places. These were out along the NH Seacoast town, I believe – And yes, I figured it out – the headline gives it away. And no, I am not surprised, though I am that it didn’t catch our eye sooner.

I did some digging at the behest of a reader, and while this isn’t always the case, it was easy enough to discover what the group was about. FEC Records identify Jonathon S. Bush as the custodian and treasurer with an address of PO Box 202 North Hampton, New Hampshire 03862. with PrimaryBank 207 Route 101 Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 as the bank of depositories.

The name Bush raised an eyebrow; yes, he is related to George Bush and the Bush Family. I ran down a pic that happened to look like this guy in a Fox Biz report titled Nikki Haley, getting backing from Wall Street Billionaires. We knew that, so it all fit together very nicely. Another Trump-Hating uniparty Bushie (who lives in Massachusetts) meddling in NH Elections.

ABC News reported all that back in November, and think about the precious minutes I could have saved had I landed there first.

Led by five entrepreneurs — including Jonathan Bush, the cousin of former President George W. Bush, and billionaire CEO Frank Laukien — the PAC, called Independents Moving the Needle, says it will focus its efforts on New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary. About 40% of voters in the state are registered as undeclared.

Gov. Chris Sununu, whose dad worked for and is presumably still tight with the family, was kind enough to let slip the deeper goal. Get their Trump-Hating allies in the Democrat party to vote for Haley as well – and some did. Haley’s path to the Republican nomination is paved – as thin as it is .. would be paved with … Democrat votes.

Related: Did Haley-Homer Chris Sununu Just Help Us Close the NH Republican Primary?

More from ABC.

The PAC is chaired by five relative outsiders to the world of dark money politics. Laukein and his wife, Tamra, who lead companies in life sciences, are joined by Bush, CEO of a healthcare data company, and Bonnie Anderson, CEO of PinkDx, a private cancer-testing company. Robert Fisher, a white-collar attorney and a former federal prosecutor, also helped to found and is now leading the group.

Tamara was the first link that led me to Bush family backing, which is one of several RINO spigots used by the uniparty to flush out non-globalist candidates for higher office. We’ve seen that up close at work in New Hampshire. When the state Delegates elected Jack Kimball as party chair, the Sununu Klan – taken entirely by surprise – went to work locking Jack out from any big donors. In other words, they were happy to see the state party and its candidates fail rather than allow someone they could not control to lead the apparatus.

And we see it with Haley and Trump, which should make anyone who thought Haley wasn’t somehow someone they thought they could control accept the likelihood that she has to be.

Or, and this is still a possibility, their Trump derangment syndrome is so advanced she is merely a beneficiary of their uniparty largess. A candidate that could lose and not bitch about how the same people that got her nominated made sure someone more to their liking won the crown, even if it was a Democrat.

Related: Does Haley’s Second Place NH Finish Need an Asterisk*

There’s nothing independent about Independents for Nikki. It is a very partisan operation focused on uni party dominance, and it will do anything to avoid speed bumps, especially named Trump. Luckily for us, the peasants are not so easily bought, and what happened in Iowa and New Hampshire will continue across the country, and the Bushes and Sununus and the rest can’t stop it.

I’m sure it affirms in their minds how incapable we are of self-governance.

And yes, you would be right to wonder what they’d be willing to do next because they don’t care what America wants. When you’ve reached that point – and we are long past it – anything (as we have seen) is possible.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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