No Worries Nikki – NH’s US Senators Didn’t Endorse “Their” Governor Either

Outside of the Granite State, where undeclared voters don’t necessarily pick the Republican Party nominee, the news about Nikki isn’t very pleasant for Nikki.

Yesterday, a Boston Globe poll called it Trump 52/ Haley 35 in New Hampshire. That’s not enough, but let’s say this is where the primary shakes out next Tuesday. What does the rest of America look like?

In another poll reporting Friday, nationally, Harvard/Harris has Trump/Haley 71/9. Morning Consult’s poll has Trump/Haley at 73/14. Messenger/HarrisX (Thursday) 72/13. DeSantis is ahead of Haley in the National Harvard Harris by one point and down two from her in the Morning Consult poll. They are statistically tied in America’s eyes.

Christie’s departure has not added to her “base,” while Vivek’s has added to Trump’s. The Never Nikki crowd has to be thrilled, but that’s not the only bad news for Nimarata née Randhawa Haley. On Friday, Republican US Senator Tim Scott (a former presidential aspirant) endorsed Donald Trump. Lindsey Graham already had, as has the current Republican governor of her home state, Henrey McMaster. (Trump is polling 52/22 against Haley in SC, so it’s not just state-wide elected Republicans).

And Sununu isn’t as popular here as he used to be, which happens when you act like a Democrat often enough that even Independents begin to wonder if they prefer the real thing.

Speaking of which, New Hampshire’s Governor, Chris Sununu, who is promoting Haley like his life depends on it, has won election four times, and not once did either of our US Senators endorse him. Neither Jeanne Shaheen nor Maggie Hassan has offered their support to Chris Sununnu. Maybe they’d like to endorse Haley, as some of their deep-pocketed Democrat donors likely have.

One more point. Haley began downplaying her own New Hampshire surge narrative on Friday. “I said we want to be stronger in New Hampshire — we’re going to do that,” Haley told reporters during a gaggle. “We don’t know what stronger is until the numbers come in.”

The Haley wave refined. As in, I’ve seen the national polls, and I should wave goodbye, but I’ve got all this Left-Wing and Uniparty Military Industrial Complex cash, and I can’t even give it to Trump.

“I don’t ever talk about coming up short or winning if you notice that. I’ve done neither one and I’m not going to until Election Day. That’s the only poll that matters,” Haley said.

And that motivates your supporters how, exactly?

Americans are hungry for a disruptor and whatever comes with it. You’ve been running as the anti-disruptor, and that’s not enough. Democrats don’t play nice or fair, use friendly language, or even act civil, even after claiming they are that very thing. This is a bare-knuckles street fight for freedom. The primary is meant to pick someone with thick skin and an elevated intolerance for bullshit. Our government doesn’t trust us, hates us, suppresses our natural rights, and even the GOP has failed to address systemic irregularities in election integrity.

In other words, maybe none of this matters, but then it does. You can win so hard that cheating can’t stop it, which Trump appears to be doing in the Republican primary. The sort of support a candidate will need to get past whatever the Left is planning for November. And that candidate is not Nikki Haley.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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