Chris Sun-King Sununu is Not The Only Prominent Democrat Backing Nikki Haley

Real Republicans in New Hampshire have maintained their abusive relationship * Sun-King Chris Sununu being the abuser – for far too long. They justify taking the abuse with, “he’s the lesser of two evils,” or “but he’s good on taxes and guns.” Really?

The most onerous tax in New Hampshire is the local property tax, and Sununu has done NOTHING on that front. Instead, Sun-King and his ilk hide behind the cliche that “it’s local control.” Yeah, right. “Local control” is secondary to eviscerating local zoning laws (turning New Hampshire into a State of renters (Democrats), not homeowners), yet local control is primary to a cap on local property taxes (to protect taxpayers from the left-wing lunatics that control most school boards). And if you believe that …

It’s well past time to call Sununu what he is: A DEMOCRAT. A heretic on a couple of issues … business taxes and the Second Amendment … but a Democrat nonetheless.

Perhaps the most unassailable proof that the Sun-King is a Democrat is his support of Nikki Haley, whose major donors include prominent Democrat money people. Nikki is Joe Biden in high heels, which is why the Sun King is “all in” for her.



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