Biden-Endorsing Union Leader takes Shots At Don Bolduc

 For a long time, the Union Leader has taken the side of the GOP Elitist wing of the Republican Party. A number of editorials have extolled the virtues of the “Moderate Republican” candidates. Many working-class voters have voted for these moderates, often times holding their noses while they full well knew the elitist political class was thumbing their noses at the Peasants.

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Main Steet Republican’s Drop “Republican.”

main street repubublicans
The Main Street Republicans “Main Street”

In any good story of conquest the tyrants who rule the police state always have ‘loyalists.’  These are indigenous members of the conquered people who side with the oppressors in exchange-presumably–for less oppression.  They are turn-coats, the worst variety of the sunshine patriot, or how about members of the Republican Main Street Partnership?

How about a Republican Main Street Partnership that has dropped the word ‘Republican.’

I am trying to decide if they have done us a favor?

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This Week's RINO of the Week

“A government big enough to give you everything you need, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have….”—Sen. Barry Goldwater

Representative Marshall E. “Lee” Quandt, Rockingham District 13 is this week’s RINO OF THE WEEK Representative Quandt tends to be “Clintonista” with his navigation of the New Hampshire political Fabric and based on his New Hampshire House Republican Alliance Scorecard, he enjoys some modicum of success doing that.

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Representative Julie “The Mad Hatter” Brown, Strafford, District 1 is the RINO of the Year based on three separate polls!

Representative Julie “The Mad Hatter” Brown, Strafford, District 1 RINO of the Year

I was certain when I started these polls that Ken Gould would win. But Julie Brown left Ken in the dust and was overwhelmingly chose by over 300 participants in the polls.  In the coming days, I will be looking more closely at what  drove the selection…But I have be honest…I would have selected her myself.  Aside from other RINO’s, none has demonstrated such flippant arrogance and elitism as Julie Brown has.

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“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” Barry Goldwater 

The 2012 Legislative Session brings new opportunities for analysis of the Granite State Legislature. The RINO Report began in July of 2010 and featured those Republicans who were “clear cut” Republicans in Name Only. For them the label aptly fit the first slew of Choices were found to vote with the Republican Agenda only 30-45% of the time.  As we moved up the list, the choices became less clearer, however we often turned to the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance Scorecards and looked at the vote content carefully.  Albeit, some who probably made the list could have made it after some who were originally featured. There were some who did not make the RINO Report that really should have. I will promise to make it up to them.

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“A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.” —Adlai E. Stevenson

Following my recent RINO OF THE WEEK report, an amused reader and friend inquired, “Isn’t the RINO one of the world’s deadliest animals? Or is that the hippo…”

 Pondering this for a minute, I juxtaposed the question concerning the herbivorious, odd-toed ungulate native to Africa and parts of Asia: The “Rhinoceros”.  versus Political RINO’s….an acronym for, “Republican In Name Only,”.  

While “Rhinos” are related to the horse, zebra, and tapir; are known for their bad eyesight, good hearing, and mud-rolling. RINO’s, on the other hand are ambiguous about who they are related to…some show a Republican-leaning while others a full out leftist Democrat leaning. RINO-eyesight is through rose-colored glasses and instead of rolling in the mud, they sling mud. That sums it up for me, Nevertheless my response was as follows:

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“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater


This week’s Rino of the Week Report is two days overdue. We have now moved into that area of RINO-dom where we are now looking at “RINO-esque” house votes versus overall house vote performance. Prior RINO-of-the Week selections were pretty clear.  Republicans adhering to the part platform were very easy to distinguish from those who ran as Republicans, yet vote consistently with liberals. Now we are in that area where the constituents must decide if the Rep voted “RINO? of if the Rep is a RINO overall. At any rate, ROTW will continue to decide who the RINO is for the present week and the constituents can decide the rest.

In this next shade of the RINO Report, we now examine some house members whose records may show adherence to the party platform, but go off the reservation on key social and fiscal issues like the budget, parental notification or important gun and self-defense bills. Those Republicans we will now focus on.

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“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes”—Mark Twain


Reading Steve MacDonald’s entry, “You Can’t Be A Republican And Vote Against Right To Work“…caused me to once again step back and reevaluate the public debate about Right-to-Work. I opened House Bill 474 and carefully read it again…and again…I could find no provision within the Legislation that abolished Unions. I read it yet again…. I could find no provision within the Bill that restricted, outlawed or otherwise “busted” Unions. Not one.

Several reasons brought me to revisit this. First, there seem to be many Republicans who fancy themselves “liberty-minded conservatives yet they support statutory Union oppression; Second, The strident opposition, bad behavior, swearing and threatening by Police and Fire over this bill has created a loss of confidence and apprehension within the communities they serve. Finally, What Unions say about this bill is absolute nonsense and nothing more than bold-faced lies.

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“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater


THE RINO OF THE WEEK is two-term House Representative Timothy D. Copeland.  Representative Copeland not only has a RINO voting record, but openly embodies pro-Union positions. Copeland not only voted against right to work,  But resigned his House whip position when the speaker reshuffled the leadership based on RINOism. Representative Copeland has voted consistently against two core liberty issues: Legislation pertaining to self-defense and firearms and voted against the passage of HB 474, commonly known as the “Right-to-Work Bill.  Like that of his RINO Counterparts, Representative Copeland is also an enthusiastic advocate of police-statism is ranked by the New Hampshire House Republican Alliance with a score of 67%.

  • Voted against HB 125 a law that would support the right of the Granite State to regulate firearms within its sovereign borders as a state;

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“Without initiative, leaders are simply workers in leadership positions.” Bo Bennett 


In a letter to French Scientist Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in November of 1789, Benjamin Franklin quipped those ever long-enduring and famous words, “[B]ut in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes … ” It would appear Franklin had not contemplated the certainty of blow-hard political hacks and self-aggrandizing opportunists.

Upon Seeing the Union Leader Headline Tuesday, “Gov. Lynch will leave office very popular, and for good reason“, and who the author was,  predictable is the litany and diatribe that follows. And, with the whole and complete certainty of death and taxes, the “Shrill Kathy” hath delivered. In the 779-word bloviation, the “Shrill Kathy” delivered a mere 199 words extolling Lynch’s virtues and reserved the remaining 580 words for her usual and expected attack on Republicans, checkered with a contrast and comparison-like tone…Make no mistake about it…Lynch’s announcement, as with most other political events, is a mere pretext for her visera.

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The Republican Votes Against Senate Bill 88

Filed Under, “Drinking the Kool-Aid…” Republicans who voted Against the Senate Bill 88 Veto Override Name County District *Bolster, Peter Belknap 5 Fields, Dennis Belknap 2 Flanders, Donald Belknap 4 *Millham, Alida Belknap 5 Pilliod, James Belknap 5 Russell, David Belknap 6 Emerson, Susan Cheshire 7 Johnson, Jane Cheshire 6 Sterling, Franklin Cheshire 7 Richardson, … Read more


“There is hardly a political question in the United States which does not sooner or later turn into a judicial one.” ~Alexis de Tocqueville The Senate has now voted to override the Governor’s veto of Senate Bill 88. The Bill next will come to the full house for concurrence, allowing “Stand your Ground” to become … Read more


“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater No RINO Report will be featured this week in observance and honor of the Sixth Annual Live Free Or Die Rally in Jaffrey, NH, beginning Friday August 26 and ending Sunday, … Read more



“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater

A common theme heard from whiney liberals these days is that conservatives, tea-party patriots and some Republicans take absolute positions on issues and are unwilling to compromise, “for the good of the people.” There are four fundamental flaws in that logic.

First, how liberals define compromise. In final analysis, compromise means abandoning ones principles and going along with liberals, perhaps watering down some measure that renders the original principle sought after inoperable.

Second, the logic implies that the maker of the statement (the liberal) is irrefutably correct. The liberal implies all facts are on his or her side.

Third, liberals just love those who go along because that means the opposition is malleable. The opposition has weak links in their unity and party platform.

Finally, it implies a tacit acknowledgement by the “compromiser” that perhaps the liberal, “is correct” in his or her logic.

There is nothing wrong with spirited and sometimes bitter partisanship. The citizens governed should have clear unambiguous choices. Voting for most Republicans means one favors less government intrusion, reasonable and lower taxes, whereby the majority is not paying for the select few to live off the many. One favors a government that is both responsible socially, and looks to people, not government as a first resort to solve problems.

The RINO REPORT has featured those Republicans in Name Only who have distinguished themselves as the harlots of the left. Those who run on principles claiming to be an, “independent voice” in Concord without ever being held accountable to say, what that really means. Those folks could easily be on a Leftist-progressive ticket and fellow Republicans would never really know the difference, mush less miss them.

As the RINO report moves forward, ROTW now segues into a considerably more ambiguous analysis. For example, This weeks RINO  REPORT took a hard look at Rep. Lawrence B. “KOKO” Perkins, Rockingham 14 to be featured. When one drills down into his voting record, however, it is easy to see that Perkins voted predominantly with Conservatives on Guns, Liberty and Families.  While he took a walk on Right to work and voted for spending measures that favor Unions over regular working class folks, being a firefighter gave us no illusions about what he would or would not support. Morover, he gave the PFFNH cover. Their campaign contributions to Perkins allows Davind Lang and his ilk to say they are, “non-partisan” when in fact, they overwhelmingly support Democrats. And that is… when he showed up. While he might have voted on issues important to me, the fact is he still voted for Unions. Does it make him a RINO? Readers must judge that for themselves.

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“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater THE RINO OF THE WEEK is four term House Representative William J. Remick.  Representative Remick’s voting record reveals a demonstrated pursuit of the moderate label by voting with his liberal pals … Read more


“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater The RINO of the week is six-term Hollis House Representative Carolyn M. Gargasz.  This RINO is not quite the rank-and-file RINO that perhaps Ken Gould or David Kidder might be. Representative … Read more


“Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you have.” ~Barry Goldwater This week’s installment of RINO of the week bring us an example of a real Dinosaur. This RINO has been around for way too long, ruining the Republican platform since 1988. … Read more

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