Hooksett Special Election — Kathleen Martins Sells Out to the Party Bosses

This from the New Hampshire Democrat-Youth a few days ago: The linked letter argues … based on lies … that Elliot Axelman is an “extremist outsider.” More specifically, it falsely claims that Axelman wants to abolish the First Amendment and wants to make ownership of firearms mandatory. The linked letter is … in other words … Read more


Got health Insurance, Bernie Will Take it Away

Bernie did well positionally in both Iowa and New Hampshire. That’s good for his campaign, but he did not do as well as he did four years ago. That is maybe not so good. The question is why is that?

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Bernie’s Boondoggle Medicare for All

What does Medicare for All mean to you? Do you get your health insurance from your employer? Would Medicare for All do something for you… or to you? Will you have the same level of coverage? Is it going to cost you money or save you money?

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Lieawatha Fauxcahontas is 1/1024th Right in Her Campaign Claims

Lieawatha Fauxcahontas is 1/1024th Right in Her Campaign Claims

Leisure suit Lizzie Warren is second in the national polls. She is ahead in New Hampshire. Many in the media consider Fauxcahontas the current Democrat favorite.

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Math is Hard. It’s Harder if You Support Elizabeth Warren

Most of the Democrats are ga-ga over the newest hip progressive thing. Because that partial takeover called ObamaCare was such a loser. They want a total takeover of health care. No matter how much it costs. Just be sure to tell the Middle Class it won’t cost them a thing.

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Medicare For All Would Wipe Out Every US Billionaire’s Total net Worth in Just 3 years

Big giveaways sound nice. And blaming the rich works for the left as well. But reality has a harsher tale to tell – like the low-end estimate for the cost of Bernie’s Medicare for all plan. It would erase the net wealth of every US Billionaire in just three years.

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Soak the rich

Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich! Soak the Rich!

Tax Hikes on the Wealthy Alone Can’t Pay for ‘Medicare for All’. Over thirty two trillion dollars is a lot of money so soak the rich. That’s the analyst estimate of the 10-year cost of Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan. The two dozen, or so, Democrat presidential hopefuls are all either on the Bernie … Read more

Gov. Run Health Care Lesson from Canada – Won’t Pay for Treatment, Will Pay for Assisted Suicide

A Canadian father with an 11-year old son couldn’t get the care he needed. Instead, that thing they all belong to in Canada, offered him a series of inadequate options until death was the only one he had left.

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Medicare for All = More Taxes for All = Lower Quality & Quantity Healthcare

Most of the Democratic presidential debate participants stated their commitment to “Medicare-for-All”. But what does that mean? Well, they tell us they want to transition the U.S. health care insurance industry to a government-run model. The result would be the federal government in control health care within a decade. Medicare for All means… That means … Read more

medicare for all

If you loved Obamacare, just WAIT for Medicare-for-All “Premium Hit!

Actually, they won’t be premiums, they’ll be taxes.  Unlike premiums, which if you don’t pay them you just get dropped by the company, if you don’t pay your taxes, the Government comes to MAKE you pay them.

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Blogline of the Day – be afraid, be VERY afraid

Progressives use the Government to crowd out traditional Civil Society charitable organizations. And the Leftists have made it plain that only Government should and can be doing “good things.” To the point that they are now openly Socialist enough to be advocating the Government nationalization of complete industries.

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Dan crenshaw

Rep. Dan Crenshaw Explains Why Gov Run Healthcare Is a Bad Idea

Most of our readers understand why government-run healthcare (like Medicare for All) is a bad idea. But they may not feel as if they can confidently explain it to someone else. Rep. Dan Crenshaw to the rescue.

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Bernie Sanders – My Plan Will Require an Increase in Income Taxes for Ordinary People.

This should come as a big surprise to no one. Free Healthcare isn’t free. What proof do I have, you say? Well, aside from common sense, basic math skills, and the ability to think and do things on my own, the Socialist Bernie Sanders says so.

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Ho, Ho, Ho… Medicare for All… Ho, Ho, Ho… Free Stuff for All

Free Health Care… Leftists are pushing ‘Medicare-for-all’. Sixteen senators publicly support Bernie Sanders’ vision of “Medicare-for-all.” Sanders’ bill, S.1804, was explicit about outlawing private health insurance. It will mandate participation in a government run system. The determination of what care would be available, to whom and when would be usurped by the federal government. The … Read more

“Medicare for All” – Soviet style healthcare

“…Dems are forgetting to tell you that private insurance will be banned under their scheme” 

by Betsy McCaughey

President Barack Obama made a stunning policy shift Friday, endorsing Medicare for All — a single-payer health system for the nation. Most Democrats contending for the 2020 presidential nomination and many Dems vying for congressional seats this fall are backing it, too. Beware: They’re pulling a bait-and-switch. The phrase Medicare for All sounds as American as apple pie. A new Reuters poll shows 70 percent of Americans respond to it favorably.

Yet the public isn’t getting the truth about what it means.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez-ism and stances

OK, from my previous post, you know a bit about her political philosophy/campaign stances from this 28-year-old barista with a Boston University double major in International Relations and Economics that is now the Democrat candidate for Congress in NY-14 (Queens)

Sidenote: oh dear, how low has my alma mater dropped in rigor.  They ought to be disavowing her forthwith but I guess the Howard Zinn-sim, Noam Chomskyesque, and the other hard core radical professors have gotten worse over the years. As I continue with her here, I am gratified by my decisions over the years not to give my hard earned monies to this spawning den of everything I find wrong.

Anyways, I digress – let me unpack my pile of stuff here. Just remember that no less a luminary than Tom Perez, Chair of the National Democrat Committee, says “she is the future of the Party”.  Go ahead, keep shoveling that out there!

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