Rebuild NH

Grassroots Activism Brings 15 Liberty Bills to The Governor’s Desk

EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH today celebrates two years of hard effort to restore freedom in the Granite State through volunteer political activism using the tools of participation in government set up by our Founders.

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The Democrat Party is the Single Biggest Threat to Life Expectancy in America

In the expanding wake of the BA.2 Omicron subvariant (dun, dun, dunnnn), the US Food and Drug Administration has revoked a previous emergency use order for this “treatment” and halted shipments of the drug nationwide.

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social credit score

Social Credit Scores: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

One would not think the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee would be all that exciting, and in a normal world, it wouldn’t (it’s a lot of boring insurance stuff with a sprinkling of liquor), but we don’t live in a normal world anymore.

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Notable Quote – Government Planners, by Nature, Are Anti-liberty

Because they believe that THEY have the smarts to tell everyone else how they will live their lives. The perfect Administrative State tool – you can’t succeed unless we “order” your lives:

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alone beach sky moon original Photo by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash

If a Majority of Americans Want To Work For Themselves Shouldn’t That Translate to Them Wanting Smaller Government?

I caught a conversation on the radio this morning on my way to work. According to the survey they discussed, 79% of employed Americans are unhappy with their job, and 59% prefer to work for themselves.

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Hypo Vial vaccine Gov Tyranny

So, You’re Saying America is Again the Last Best Hope For a Life Without Tyranny?

I stumbled (digitally) across an article at I know, I know, but the headline was what a headline should be – it made me have to read more. “In much of the West, the walls are closing in on anti-vaxxers.”

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Americans Are Voting with Their Feet and It Is Clear Who the Winners Are, and the Losers. 

As many have been saying, people are on the move in America. Changing addresses, voting with their feet. And it is clear who the winners are, and the losers.

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Chains links sunlight

“It’s not about what the day brings, it’s what you bring to the day.”

An ad on one of the streaming services featured a woman who won (I think it was) the Boston Marathon twice*. She’s up in years but still pushing herself every day. She has a great quote in the ad that I wanted to share, and I’m paraphrasing.

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American flag america

At Least One More Time for the Cheap Seats – It’s Not Just about the ‘Flu’ or the “Vaccine”

In a few months, we’ll have reached two years of covid tyranny in various forms. I can’t count how many pieces we’ve published on the threat the political response represents, but it may be over a thousand by now and with good reason.

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After Almost Two Years The Only Thing COVID Policy Does Is Restrict Freedom and Inject Failure.

As Omicron fever ramps up, the unicorn variant is reportedly in 38 countries as of this morning. Don’t Panic. Remember that the real pandemic, the actual threat, continues to be the response.

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Human skulls

So Much for “Public Health” – Excess Deaths From All Causes Have Risen 40-50 Percent

I have a message for ‘Liberty-Hesitant’ Democrats. You know the ones. They are reluctant, fearful, even prone to spreading conspiracy theories about the negative benefits of Liberty.

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You comply becasue you want it to end

You Comply Because You Want It to End, but It Is Because of Your Compliance That It Will Never End

This is one of those rare occasions when we have a post due to publish in a few minutes, and we don’t have one. Well, until now. I saw this, and it struck me as not just true and obvious. But is it obvious to everyone? And might it have the power to break through the COVID fog and reach people?

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American Flag

We Need to Stop Being Silent Bystanders

“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.”

– Harper Lee

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Sununu Texting

Biden is Destroying NH like Pelosi Destroyed CA and I’ve Got No Place Else to Run!

My entire family and I loaded up the U-Hauls, gassed up the RV’s and trekked across the country from California to New Hampshire five years ago. I HAD LIVED ALL MY LIFE IN California.

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We Are Watching the Fabric of America Unravel and We Question If There Is Any Hope

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

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CARTOON: The Oldest Sacrifice Made Anew

My latest cartoon.  Next week I’ll probably re-run something from “a while ago” as – at $150 a pop – it’s starting to make a dent in the budget.

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Kris Ann Hall

From Krisanne Hall – The Movie: “NonCompliant”

I first met KrisAnne Hall at a Government Integrity Project at the Crossing Life Church in Windham, NH. A very good speaker; she knows her material cold, has an engaging (on the serious side but it fits for the serious subject matter) style of speaking – an urgency for we Americans to wake up and take note of what is happening.

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Erica Layon

New Hampshire chooses liberty

THE NEW HAMPSHIRE Republican platform represents the values that my husband and I work hard every day to present to our three boys, both in words and action. I want to instill in my curious, thoughtful sons that fighting for what is right and standing up for those who can’t are the very essence to … Read more

Liberty Bell Original Photo by Dan Mall on Unsplash

Let Freedom Ring

I am for unity under just one banner, freedom. Any idea or action that separates people into warring camps and builds walls of separation is abhorrent to me.

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American flags

Promoted from the Comments – “You Will Be Made to Care”

That line above is from my blogging friend, Erick Erickson, who created it a few years ago in response to the Left’s constant “you are either with us or you are our enemy” activism. There was no middle ground that could be chosen.

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