Grassroots Activism Brings 15 Liberty Bills to The Governor’s Desk

EAST DERRY, N.H.—RebuildNH today celebrates two years of hard effort to restore freedom in the Granite State through volunteer political activism using the tools of participation in government set up by our Founders.

This year’s efforts have so far resulted in 15 supported bills passing both bodies of the NH Legislature.

“RebuildNH volunteers have shown the importance of tenacity in politics,” said Andrew J. Manuse, chairman of RebuildNH. “A constant presentation of unbending truth, despite its unpopularity, will bear fruit in bringing more liberty to the people of this State.”

The following RebuildNH-supported bills have passed both chambers of the NH Legislature:

  • HB 275, state of emergency reform;
  • HB 1466, relative to the off-label use of prescription drugs and relative to pharmacy prescriptions;
  • HB 1099, prohibiting the department of health and human services from requiring vaccine passports for services;
  • HB 1131, relative to facial covering policies for schools;
  • HB 1431, establishing the parental bill of rights;
  • HB 1495, prohibiting the state from requiring businesses to require vaccine or documentation related to vaccination or immunity status;
  • HB 1439, relative to health care facility visitation policies;
  • HB 1003, prohibiting health care providers from refusing to provide care or services based on patient vaccination status;
  • HB 1488, expanding the prohibition against discrimination based on an individual’s election not to participate in the state vaccine registry;
  • HB 1608 relative to withdrawal from the state immunization registry;
  • HB 1022, permitting pharmacists to dispense the drug ivermectin by means of a standing order;
  • HB1606, making the state vaccine registry an opt-in program;
  • HB 1280, prohibiting a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child pursuant to an order of the state or federal government to be used as a basis for terminating;
  • HB 1604, including state medical facilities in the statute providing medical freedom in immunizations;
  • HB 1455, relative to state enforcement of federal vaccination mandates.

“For an all-volunteer, authentic grassroots activist group, RebuildNH is thrilled to know that all these bills we’ve supported have passed both chambers,” said JR Hoell, secretary/treasurer of RebuildNH.

In addition to these efforts that are headed to the governor’s desk, the language of HB 1210, which would create an exemption for mandatory vaccination in state law, is still alive. The outcome of this effort is still subject to committee of conference negotiations between the Senate and the House.

“RebuildNH is thrilled with our accomplishments this year,” said Melissa Blasek, executive director of RebuildNH. “We thank our supporters for their activism and the legislature for their work to protect the rights of the people.” Blasek is also a Republican representative from Merrimack.



RebuildNH, which was formerly known as ReopenNH, is made up of concerned individuals devoted to getting New Hampshire back to work through a restoration of balance and reason in state government.

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