Americans Are Voting with Their Feet and It Is Clear Who the Winners Are, and the Losers.  - Granite Grok

Americans Are Voting with Their Feet and It Is Clear Who the Winners Are, and the Losers. 

As many have been saying, people are on the move in America. Changing addresses, voting with their feet. And it is clear who the winners are, and the losers.


2021 Population Changes by State Conservative Treehouse


On the Right Side of the blogosphere, the memes all point to the idea that people are moving from less free to more freedom-loving States.

Lots of folks are moving from California, which has become a one-party State no different than any Communist / Socialist country, to Texas which hardly could be considered as such (even as it is still a pretty Red State).

Sure, there are other factors in play here such as weather (NH is considered to be the freest state in the union but we’re not seeing such migration – let’s face it, it gets COLD here about this time of year).

Economics plays a role.

However you take the stats, it is clear that a “sorting” along ideological/religious views is happening.  People who are tired of being told how to live their lives by Government, and having their wealth taken from them, are on the move to States that are much more welcoming (e.g, “Come here!  We’ll leave you alone to live your lives as YOU see fit!”) in nature.

Just please, if you are one of those that are moving to the Freer States, leave your political philosophies and decisions from whence you came. Don’t just come here (e.g., NH) for our Live Free or Die philosophy but expecting that your past Democrat promoting voting record won’t matter – it will. Don’t bring that culture here – learn and then accept the culture that brought you here in the first place.

And thanks to the Free State Project for helping to make it freer. Just remember, every time you vote for Freedom here in NH, you’re giving Zandra Rice-Hawkins (the Exec. Dir. of that Uber-Progressive group “Granite State Progress”) yet another rash.

Gracie Gato, as well. I have to pick that story back up again soon…

(H/T: The Conservative Treehouse)
