LIberty clouds obscured

The Presumption of Liberty

The presumption of liberty is an established liberal tradition according to which any restrictions on individual liberty require justification. Gerald Gaus and Shaun Nichols depict this as a principle of “natural liberty,” a “general presumption in favor of freedom of action.” As they explain, if natural liberty is a general presumption we expect, it to … Read more

LIberty clouds obscured

The First Steps Toward a Liberty Platform

Last weekend several hundred of us gathered in Washington, DC, at the Ron Paul Institute conference to again proclaim our dedication to the cause of liberty and our opposition to constant US government assaults on that liberty. Our collaborators included old friends like Judge Andrew Napolitano, who explained that the Bill of Rights was not … Read more

Americas Greatest Teacher of Americanism

In the empty minds of generations of youth, the Marxist heroes like the Beatles, Fidel Castro, and the freakish rock revolution of pot , rock, and revolution filled their minds with the lie that there is no God. John Birch is a hero that American youth were not allowed to know. Another great American Patriot, my friend Jack, suffered the same silence.

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

Bold and Unscrupulous

In the 1970s, the moral wit of Tom Anderson precisely describes today’s rush toward economic suicide in Washington, DC: “Changing Nelson Rockefeller for Hubert Humphrey is like changing the pins on a soiled diaper without changing the diaper; you continue to get the same mess.”

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Divine Seeds of Liberty

Long ago, an unknown Chinese philosopher’s words described the biblical root of liberty that we call Americanism: “The well-being of a people is like a tree, agriculture is its roots, manufacturing, and commerce are its branches and its life; if the roots are injured, the leaves fall, and the branches break away, and the tree dies.”

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Essentials for Liberty

In my 87 years of life,  one of the most important lessons I learned early, taught to me by my late brother who wasted the tremendous talent God blessed him with: It’s easy to become happy while you’re drinking, but New Year’s Day you wake up with the same problems and a headache.

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Mental health anxiety depression Image by Josh Clifford from Pixabay

Proximal Hedonistic Self-Interest and The End of Human Liberty

You may not be the sort to read something titled “That Moment When You Realize You’re Part of God’s Project; He’s Not Part of Yours” (even if not paywalled), but perhaps that is why you should.

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A Short Post Inspired by a Jarhead Friend’s Email

So #australia is rapidly going CBDC and soon to be followed by all of #europe, no doubt. The Potato Obama doubtless has plans as well.

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Is America On Life Support?

I have always been an ardent believer in democracy–The dictionary defines democracy as the rule of the people. Even at its best, “democracy is the worst form of government except for all the rest,” according to Winston Churchill. Is democracy a terrible form of government?

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We're open sign

Republican Primary Voters in NH Want To Restrain the Federal Government, Not American Businesses …

The Competitiveness Coalition, in coordination with The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, found in a poll of 800 likely Republican primary voters, released Sept. 5,  that these voters want the federal government to focus on inflation, the cost of living, and the economy, and not get distracted by attacking American tech companies.

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I stand with Liberty

Two Grok Articles: Make Mine Liberty (a Commentary/Riposte)

Contributor John Klar on 2-Sep lamented that the agricultural sector is “in decline” if measured by manpower. As is the manufacturing sector, though in both cases, output is up. America is producing more with less — that is what we do — and, all other things being the same, that is the only way that real pay rises.

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American flag america

The Ratchet Effect and the Erosion of Liberty

The Constitution “is not a suicide pact,” said Justice Arthur Goldberg in the court’s opinion in the 1963 Supreme Court case of Kennedy v. Mendoza-Martinez. His statement highlights a fundamental truth: in times of crisis, governments often feel compelled to take extraordinary measures to protect their citizens and maintain order. However, this desire to act swiftly and … Read more

Grokified Treehugger Logo

Quick Thought: So What Is Government Good For? Treehugger Commenter Would Make a Good Progressive

TreeHugger, either the writers nor the commenters, ever want to discuss what should be a fundamental question within Society: WHAT is the role of Government? So when someone there decides to squeak out an opinion on this, I jump all over it. In a post (“The Comeback of Small Cars and Trucks Is Good for … Read more


Advancing Liberty: 4 Essential, Foundational Principles

The “American revolution” was about much more than the war for Independence. In fact, as John Adams noted, the revolution was “effected before the war commenced.”

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I stand with Liberty Tee Shirt

Progressives are ALWAYS Eliminating “Liberty”

“Progressivism reconstructed American liberalism by dismantling the free market of classical liberalism and erecting in its place the welfare state of modern liberalism. The new liberalism discarded economic liberties as archaic impediments to necessary improvements to society’s health, welfare, and morals. . .” (e.g., The “Collective” over the Individual – Individual Liberty being the entity … Read more

Thomas Paine - Smithsonian

Resistance is Crucial to the Advancement of Liberty

Patrick Henry told us that “government is no more than a choice among evils.”

Thomas Paine held the same view. In Common Sense, he wrote, “Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.”

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I stand with Liberty mug

Quick Thought – This Is Correct; They Are Trying to Break Us

From Liberal Logic 101: Progressives, on the other hand, not only wish to crush that spirit but continue the process of forcing a dependency upon Government that started in the early 1900s. They believe they are entitled to Rule. Oh, not them personally (well, many of them) but knowing that the facade would be sufficient … Read more

Liberty Bell Original Photo by Dan Mall on Unsplash

Let Freedom Ring!

This election cycle you have a clear choice. Do you want to be told what to do? Or do you want to be left alone? If you want to be left alone to go about your business with little to no government intrusion into all aspects of your life, then you value freedom.

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Global Pandemic Treaty Must Be Stopped

Americans ought to ask why the Biden Administration is moving to amend International Health Regulations (IHR) to give global unaccountable bureaucrats authority to license the Center for Disease Control to justify detaining American citizens?

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Things Fall Apart 2

In my recent essay Things Fall Apart… I commented about how the very fundamentals of our nation (US) and Western Civilization seem to be developing fractures that will lead to the whole thing falling down.

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