New Hampshire Democrats and Antisemitism

This: By way of context, Ilhan Omar had issued this and other antisemitic tweets: Omar’s antisemitic tweets were condemned from both sides of the aisle. This is from Nancy Pelosi: “Anti-Semitism must be called out, confronted and condemned whenever it is encountered, without exception,” the statement said. “We are and will always be strong supporters … Read more

Oh, by the way Kathy Sullivan? About the fact that all Democrats are now Socialists?

by Skip

Newsweek All Socialists now

OK, so Newsweek was only right about the Left – I dare say that only US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is about the only Blue Dog Democrat (think centrist, even if Left of that center).

So, Kathy Sullivan – tell me this: with respect to “truth in advertising” (a form of speech as well, right??), is the Democrat Party going to rebrand itself as THE Socialist Party of the US?  After all, look at all the hooha over Democrat Socialist of America rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? And that the current Democrat National Committee Chair Tom Perez openly stated that this openly Socialist candidate is the future of your Party. Add to that the ideas (and political speech) from YOUR Democrat candidates Levi Sanders and Steve Marchand who are right there with her? And that Molly Kelly isn’t all that far behind them?

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Kathy Sullivan tells us her Democrat Party’s don’t stink

by Skip

NH Papers Please - No Free SpeechNormally I either bypass her Op-Eds in the Union Leader completely or just glance through them.  They generally are the usual drivel that would come from a former NH Democrat Party chair (and a DNC vice-chair). Don’t worry, I generally think JHo’s (former NH GOP chair) to be similar screeds.  In this case, though, I found at least the premise of the Op-Ed to be both true and false at the same time concerning campaign finance report.

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Kathy Sullivan Channels Adam Smith?

Kathy Sullivan channels Adam Smith (?) in John DiStaso’s Granite Status…(In regard to the Casino Bill Vote)

“But what amazed me is the lack of willingness (by opponents of both parties) to recognize the amount of gambling we already have in New Hampshire, with all of the under-regulated charitable gaming, and it continues to grow and grow,” Sullivan said.

“It’s as if they don’t see it, but it’s there.”

The key phrases here are “under-regulated” and “continues to grow and grow.”

If Sullivan’s intellectual agility were not chained to the statist dogma of the Democrat party she might have been able to reach the obvious conclusion that if you under regulate “it,” “it” is almost guaranteed to grow and grow, and that includes employment, wages, wealth creation, opportunity, self-reliance,  charity, and even tax revenue; while costs and prices are not-so-mysteriously driven inexorably down by growing choice and competition.

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Who Can You Trust?

Stella Tremblay, a New Hampshire House Republican (Auburn), is on the media chopping block for being a little bit Alex Jones, and bit too much Glenn Beck.  Seems she posted some remarks on Beck’s site that comport with conspiracy theories regarding the Boston Marathon Bombings, and the Federal Government’s Complicity.

Posted to Beck’s site–as reported by HuffPo…

 Just as you said would happen. Top Down, Bottom UP. The Boston Marathon was a Black Ops “terrorist” attack. One suspect killed, the other one will be too before they even have a chance to speak. Drones and now “terrorist” attacks by our own Government. Sad day, but a “wake up” to all of us. First there was a “suspect” then there wasnt. Infowars broke the story and they knew they had been “found out”.

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Whatsa matta John DiStaso, don’t like the ‘Grok much?

by Skip

“As New Hampshirite Steve MacDonald notes, “this sounds like tyranny.”

Given that Rush Limbaugh brought up NH Democrat House Rep Cynthia Chase’s name (AND STEVE MAC DONALDS!!) this past Friday, it was expected that the local NH media would be FORCED to also give a few column inches as well.  And DiStaso of the UL does so (reformatted and emphasis mine) – reluctantly.  But guess who he left out?

FRIDAY, JAN. 4: GOING VIRAL. A Democratic state lawmaker’s recent web post critical of the libertarian-leaning Free State Project has gone virtually viral in the past few days and, as one might expect, has drawn criticism.  Reacting to reports that the Free State Project is aggressively trying to bring 20,000 supporters to live in the state over the next two years, Rep. Cynthia Chase, D-Keene, wrote on  “In the opinion of this Democrat, Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today.”

She went on to write that while there is “legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal,” she proposed making “the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave.”

Chase continued, “One way is to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that they think they will find here. Another is to shine the bright light of publicity on who they are and why they are coming.”

…The post this week was picked up by the website, the creation of the late conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart, with columnist Warner Todd Huston opining:

Warner – a long time Samsphere blogger buddy of mine – got the story from GraniteGrok which he reads often as we are the leading Conservative / Libertarian leaning blogsite in NH.  He and I think a lot of like, and he likes what we do, commenting on local politics.  Anyway, see these next lines from DiStaso’s post quoting Warner’s?

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David Lang Wins Free Speech Award…Say What?

David lang gets free speech awardDavid Lang is the President of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire (PFFNH).  The PFFNH has a mission, beyond the obvious one of representing fire fighters, and that is to elect Democrats and progressive (r)epublicans, the latter in places that are unlikely to vote for a ‘D.’

This is a union that has invested no small sum in cash and man hours to elect and keep Democrats in power in New Hampshire.  So when I learned that the guy in charge of that union had just received the Nackey Loeb First Amendment Award I though it was a joke.

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Voter Fraud, Kathy Sullivan? Really, you?

First of all, THANK YOU Kathy Sullivan for the opportunity to bring up a relevant subject about “winning” elections:

How many out of state voters were living in your private home this election cycle?

The one glaring example of vote stealing in NH, and how it really works, is your home where you let Geoff Wetrosky, a non-resident vote with your address. Wetrosky was paid for by Candidate John Kerry, to help Mayor for Life Bob. Did you get any RENT from Wetrosky? Did he have HIS name on your electric bill? How is a non-resident campaign thug able to call YOUR home, home?

Now Kathy, in this cycle, did you let any non-residents use your private home as their MOBILE DOMICILE and steal a Manchester vote?

How about signs, did you use your voter fraud motel as a drop off point for stolen signs like you did in 2005 when the Manchester cops showed up and caught you and Wetrosky?

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