Kathy Sullivan is the former NH Dem Party Chair and DNC Big Whig who has columns in the Union Leader. I do read them; it’s a window into the mind on the other side. Here, she exposes the stereotyping and loathing she, and Democrats (in general) hold.
The pertinent part (reformatted, emphasis mine):
There have been a lot more people wearing masks to the grocery store. On our Hannaford’s run, all the workers and about 80% of the shoppers were masked. Most of the shoppers who do not mask are men. There was one woman, however, who not only did not wear a mask, she also ignored the one way signs and did not do social distance very well. I wanted to ask her if she was a Donald Trump supporter, but why pick a fight in the canned vegetable aisle?
Ah yes, she HAD to be a DJT supporter! Only THOSE kinds of people could be the ONLY reason for her self-important, self-righteous, impolite, ignorant, and selfish behavior, right? Sorry Kathy, you’re projecting while thinking yourself being smaht and witty – how condescending! Frankly, it has been those from the Left that seemingly express views such as yours in supporting your Moral Superiority capture of Civil Society’s ramparts to “transform the culture” that allows you to crassly describe others such as you did. Thanks for letting us ALL share in your Stereotype Number One (and I thought that the Left was TOTALLY against stereotypes, eh?).
Not done with just one stereotype, she goes for the two-fer. It’s clear she’s right in step with the Socialist thought pattern that the only entity in America that should have hold
Another activity I do manage is reading a lot of newspapers, print and online. Trump and his administration never fail to be in the news for something ridiculous. Last week he again failed to criticize armed protesters in Michigan, even though this time they stormed the state capital building. Instead, he said the Michigan governor should try to negotiate a deal with them. Negotiate with armed thugs who stormed a government building? Not a lot to negotiate there, unless it is the terms of a guilty plea.
Such a case of hoplophobia and a death wish that they would have caused a tragedy, eh Kathy? What is it with Democrats that they are always praying for a crisis to come along that shouldn’t be wasted? So sorry – while those folks are there, have caused NO problems (other than hurting or impacting the “feelz” of the weak-kneed Progs who immediately manufactured their presence into being a crisis), you went from protesters to THUGS in the space of two sentences. Stereotype Number Two!
Oh, let me ask a basic Civics question of you, Kathy – do Governors report to the President? Are they “elected employees” of the Federal Government? Ever hear of Federalism, Kathy (even as Democrats are ALWAYS trying to move Power up the Governmental ladder to the highest rung possible)? Guv “Half” Whitmer doesn’t have to pay him any attention (and until she “needed” him, she had rather vulgar things to say about him – just like you are).
Do citizens? Remember – they broke no law in either seeking redress from their Government nor in entering the State House. So what should “Half” Whitmer (see, two can play this game!) done – send them a concerned letter? Speak harshly to them (most likely they were there, in part, BECAUSE of how their elected representative has talked down to them)? Or arrest / detain them?
Go ahead, keep talking out of the top of your hat.
And as to the “storming” part, I’ve seen the Democrat shock troops “storm” the NH State House as well. No, they aren’t armed (that I know of) but they did only what those citizens who simply exercise the Right that was bought with the blood of Patriots. It is YOUR type of person that simply wants to denormalize even the mention of guns in normal everyday life.
Congrats for letting us know who you really are.
I do wonder if any reporter at the Union Leader has asked Kathy the obligatory #MeToo question about her presumptive Presidential nominee, Joe Biden? If not, why not? After all, we’ve all seen Handsy Joe act in rather thuggish ways, amirite?