Oh, by the way Kathy Sullivan? About the fact that all Democrats are now Socialists?

by Skip

Newsweek All Socialists now

OK, so Newsweek was only right about the Left – I dare say that only US Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is about the only Blue Dog Democrat (think centrist, even if Left of that center).

So, Kathy Sullivan – tell me this: with respect to “truth in advertising” (a form of speech as well, right??), is the Democrat Party going to rebrand itself as THE Socialist Party of the US?  After all, look at all the hooha over Democrat Socialist of America rising star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? And that the current Democrat National Committee Chair Tom Perez openly stated that this openly Socialist candidate is the future of your Party. Add to that the ideas (and political speech) from YOUR Democrat candidates Levi Sanders and Steve Marchand who are right there with her? And that Molly Kelly isn’t all that far behind them?

And now the DSA (Democrat Socialists of America) are now openly stating that “Communism is good”? It just shows why Democrats have flooded our educational system – they hate the idea that their vaunted (and utterly stupid) phrase of “the arc of history” would show their newly open ideas of Socialism and Communism (which differ only in a few degrees of badness) has failed every place it has been tried over the last 140 years and this Collectivism caused the deaths of 100s of millions of its subjects.  Is this, Kathy, what your Party wants, on this day where we celebrate the Independence of our country and the celebration of tyranny over Individuals – your Party wishes to return us to that foul system?

Truth be told, all I’m hearing from them all is that Government should get bigger, should control more, and that Individuals can’t make it without the heavy hand of Government (i.e., Carol Shea-Porter, Elizabeth “Pocahauntus” Warren).

C’mon, Kathy (and Ray Buckley), can you admit that Socialism is your Party now?  And on this day where we celebrate American Exceptionalism and the ideals of our Founding Fathers, that you Socialists want the country to throw all of that away? You Progressives have hated the US Constitution since the days of Democrat President Woodrow Wilson – can you at least finally come out of the closet?  Especially with this as well?

Or are you trying to tell us this don’t stink either? After all, Socialists are ALL about restricting the speech of those that dissent from the Democrat / Socialist line.  Just go to any college campus or Antifa riot and I can show you incipient totalitarians masking themselves as Socialists masking themselves as Democrats.



  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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