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Jeb’s Senate

By the time this reaches the readers, most people will have already known that Jeb announced his retirement, so calling this piece “Jeb’s Senate” is appropriate.  Adam Sexton called Jeb the Architect of Medicaid expansion, which is NOT a moniker to be proud of, and the senate voted 24-0 for 2023’s SB 263, a Uniparty item, and Jeb is known for pushing their agenda.

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If You Are Voting Republican in 2022 … You Are The Problem.

I want to follow up on something Steve wrote in his recent post about the GOP-posers in the State Senate removing the ban on Critical Race Theory from the budget bill.  Here is what Steve wrote: Their interests appear more focused, not on New Hampshire’s political future but Chris Sununu’s. Actually, these GOP-in-name-only-State-Senators are focused … Read more

Senator “Jeb” (Yet Again) Unleashes his Inner-Democrat

This: Net metering is a euphemism for forcing electricity providers to purchase excess electricity generated by Solar at the retail rate (not the lower rate that it would cost the electricity provider to produce the electricity itself). Solar … and other so-called “renewable” energy … are NOT alternatives to fossil fuels. At this point in … Read more

“Eversource balks at state law ordering it to buy wood power”

by Skip

“The battle over biomass is far from over. Eversource now says it will not purchase power from the state’s wood-burning power plants despite a state law requiring such purchases, unless it is ordered to do so by the Public Utilities Commission. The decision by the state’s largest utility, revealed in a Dec. 4 filing with the PUC, … Read more

Once again, Republicans refuse to stand up for…..Republicans

by Skip

You can be sure that if this was on the other foot, that it was a Republican that had won with “uncertain” residency credentials, NH Dem Party Chair would be threatening to bomb the Hague NH State Senate chambers. But once again, we see limpness of elected Republican spines in the face of confrontation (reformatted, emphasis mine):

There’s no chance Republican senators will challenge the credentials of newly elected Democrat Jon Morgan, according to Sen. Chuck Morse, R-Salem, who will serve as Republican minority leader when the Senate reconvenes for the new year. As far as Republicans are concerned, the matter was settled when Morgan’s opponent, Republican incumbent Bill Gannon of Sandown, withdrew his complaint to the Ballot Law Commission just before its Monday meeting, Morse said. Gannon’s challenge, based on constitutional residency requirements, conjured memories among some longtime political observers of a case involving Gov. Sununu — not the incumbent, but his father, Gov. John H. Sununu, who served from 1983 to 1989.

I really don’t care about the Papa Smurf historical anecdote except for one thing he has common with Trump: he fights.  Chuck Morse comes out looking like a beta male in this.

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Jeb bradley Lincoln-Lafayette-cropped-1024x638

Jeb Bradley Needs to Look in the Mirror

State Senator Jeb Bradley’s take on the midterms: “Governor Sununu had no coattails and didn’t campaign with House and Senate members. He is going to pay a price for that certainly,” Bradley said. “He won, but Sununu under-performed; there’s no question about it. We did fine with in-state fundraising but we’re going to have to … Read more

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