Jeb Bradley’s Lifetime Achievement Award


The NH-BIA pandering Bradley is just more of their same stroking-the-pet advocacy approach. It says: Be Our Boy, and Good Things Come Your Way. Senate membership is small and a bit clubby. The message of individual gratification is clearly received by all. Buying influence in the Senate is much more affordable than a sprawling crowd like the House.

We all know what NH-BIA gets from its ongoing advocacy: house builders and real estate moguls reap profits by killing local control and attacking neighborhood character with ADU scourge. Carpetbagger house flipper/developer customers are more than accommodating. They have been beating this advocacy drum long and hard. The direct industry subsidy of taxpayer money on the order of $10 million in HB2 is icing on the cake. Their media members broadcast housing as a ground-swell issue coming from voters while actually NH-BIA-sourced propaganda about a transient demand. Bradley’s part in the charade should be recognized … not awarded.

The job of the legislative body President is orchestrating protocol (Rules of Order). It is NOT his job to exercise rules as an issue advocate for the client. All members are equal by way of rules. Any achievement is to always be “of the body,” not the individual. Accepting pander is an individual weakness—not achievement. Being a legislator is voluntary, true enough, but it seems serving the public is not enough. NH-BIA shows Bradley has been their boy.

Other Senators are waiting their turn to get the juice.


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