Laptop typing student

Is Congress About To Destroy The Internet?

Is this the end of Section 230, a law that shields tech companies from liability for the third-party content they host? Will the sky fall without 230? Recently, the House Energy and Commerce Committee proposed a bipartisan bill that would sunset Section 230 at the end of 2025: “Our bill gives Big Tech a choice: Work with … Read more

student laptop

Impact of Using the Internet on Students

Students these days have come to rely on the Internet for a number of reasons. It’s fast, easily available, and contains a lot of resources. Many students use the web, but how much do we know about its effect on students? In this article, we go over some established impacts of using the Internet on students.

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Smart TV

Why a smart TV is better than a normal TV

Technology truly is evolving constantly, and in 2007 we were able to witness the rise of the popular smart TV. Although there may not be a difference in physical features for a smart TV compared to a normal TV, even though newer smart TVs may look thinner, the possibilities that can be achieved are second … Read more

UN United Nations Logo

The UN and Big Tech Team Up to Make Websites Dissapear!

The United Nations is in the division business. That is, dividing you from your domain name if it decides your website promotes online extremism or hate speech.  One call to your hosting company, and if they are of that big tech anti-free speech bent, your web address will no longer resolve anywhere online.

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media spoon feeding

Twenty Years of Communications Change

The majority of the recent change is the result of advances in communications inter-connectivity. The ability of people to get a lot of information for free is very recent. Was this one of the biggest tactical blunders in history? Was this decision to give away access to knowledge for free a mistake?

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Government Bureaucrats Control Public Education

Government Bureaucrats Control Education

Government bureaucrats control public education. Are you one of the people who object to much of what goes on in government operated schools? Are you also willing to tolerate it because that’s where you property taxes go? It sure isn’t free… but it’s paid for. Would you rather have an extra car, a boat, vacation … Read more

HTTPS internet web address

Funny, I didn’t die because of the illegal reclassification of the Internet

I didn’t die because of the illegal reclassification of the Internet by the Obama dominated FCC. They changed it from an information service (unregulated) to a telecommunications one (regulated back in 1936). Changing it back again was supposed to result in all of us DYING (emphasis mine, reformatted)! Net neutrality mania was so intense that … Read more

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