Students these days have come to rely on the Internet for a number of reasons. It’s fast, easily available, and contains a lot of resources. Many students use the web, but how much do we know about its effect on students? In this article, we go over some established impacts of using the Internet on students.
4 Effects of Using the Internet on Students
The internet is 39 years old, so it’s a relatively new technology. However, as further research is being done on its effects, we’re learning more each day. Below are 3 of the known effects using the Internet has on students:
1. Insomnia
The medical definition of Insomnia states that it’s “a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.” When students stare at their screens for too long, the blue light that’s emitted from their devices can end up causing insomnia, among other health issues. This is why some students choose to Google “write essay for me” so they can find a good writer to handle their assignment. With professional help, students can significantly cut back on their time spent in front of the computer and thus maintain their health. If you intend to browse, you might want to time yourself to avoid looking at the screen for too long, especially before you go to bed.
2. Stifled creativity
There are so many resources that can be found on the web that it can make it hard to want to create anything from scratch by yourself. While a lot of it is there for your good, being overdependent on the Internet can reduce one’s creative ability. For instance, if you were looking to build a chair, there are videos online that will teach you how to do it, but the consequence is that you might only learn to follow their instructions rather than discover the process on your own via trial and error. Unless you practice a lot, using the Internet might likely reduce your creative ability.
3. Reduced web safety
Students, unlike most individuals, spend a lot of their time online. This sadly brings them into more contact with thieves and hackers. A student looking to download software for their computer might end up downloading a virus that steals their personal data — this is why internet safety for college students should be taught at every education level. Whether it’s research for a project or a job application, students can fall prey to traps, and what’s even worse is that the hackers know this.
4. Loneliness
Online communication does not diminish a person’s need for live interaction with other people. Research shows that young people that spend an excessive amount of time online are prone to feeling more lonely and isolated.
The Internet is a great tool that won’t be going away anytime soon. How we use it is something we all should consider for our own safety and that of others. Students and their guardians should also consider taking steps to secure their use of the internet. As blockers, antivirus software, and computer timers are just some ways to achieve this.
Author’s Bio
Joanne Elliot is a cybersecurity expert and freelance writer. She has helped improve the web security of businesses to prevent hacker attacks. As the Internet is a major part of what she does, she understands its benefits and dangers and uses her articles to shed light on the subject in hopes of helping as many students as possible.