DNC 2024 Chicago

Who Is Making These Insane Decisions

There is no argument that some of our bigger cities that used to be vacation and destination spots are now crime and drug-ridden hellholes that are destinations for the homeless. These are places where residents and businesses are escaping as quickly as possible, and local and state governments are at a loss for ways to reverse the trends.

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homelessness pexels photo by mart production-8078408

Upper Valley Homeless Hopefuls: Twin Pines

The problem of homelessness in America is plaguing many of its cities. On the west coast from Los Angeles to Seattle, the problem is growing. The southwest has similar issues from Phoenix to Dallas. However, one city has seen a decline in their homeless since developing a coordinated system that is streamlining intake and services … Read more


So why does the US suffer such “Homelessness”?

Research Fellow Christopher Rufo takes a little more than 12 minutes in a compelling vidumentary to dissect why the homelessness problem keeps getting worse even as officials spend increasing billions of tax dollars on illusory solutions, then points to the actual causes and how to make measurable progress. Genuine compassion begins with facing reality. Compassion … Read more

Denver Homeless

On Homelessness and Hypocrisy

So the burning issue in #nhpolitics today was Sununu cleaning up an illegal tent-city outside the courthouse in downtown Manchester: Joyce Craig was not the only Democrat hysterical about Sununu “evicting” (showing your bias again, Kevin Landrigan?) the homeless. There are myriad examples, but they essentially all say the same thing, so let’s look at … Read more

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

There are Different Kinds of ‘Human’ Waste

Cases of human waste on San Francisco streets spiked to 31,000 in 2019. That’s an all-time high. The agency in charge of cleaning up the mess has a quarter-billion-dollar budget. $224 million is for personnel costs alone. Public works employ a staff of 1,790. This includes truck drivers at $218,495, arborists at $206,107, and general … Read more

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