Democrats Care More About Illegal Aliens Than…

Why do Democrats care more about illegal aliens than homeless Americans in the streets?  That’s the Scot Presler question. Mr. Presler is the man who has been voluntarily cleaning up garbage accumulated in Democrat-run cities. He’s not drawing big crowds, but the question is still pretty poignant.

Answering the question

The Democratic Party is actively promoting expansion of sanctuary policies.  They are all in on giving illegals free health care and driver’s licenses. But why are we doing for illegal aliens when we have not taken care of homeless Americans? Why do we treat homeless Americans worse than the ASPCA treats stray or abused animals?

The hallmark of our West Coast cities is their homeless people.  Presler noted California is one of the biggest economies in the world. With that said, its capital, Sacramento would rather cater to illegals instead of homeless Americans.  California is a sanctuary state.  This sure seems like a problem in priorities.

Presler noted both his father and grandfather had served their country in the military. He too is doing his part cleaning up communities around the country because he “gives a damn.” Presler says, “The Democrat Party does not put our people first.”  Yes, he is going to vote for Donald Trump in 2020. To him Nancy Pelosi is a do-nothing politician.  Presler hopes the video of him asking this question will go viral.

The op-ed

Presler has organized a clean-up of Baltimore which he wrote about in an op-ed in the Sun.

“While our volunteers were inspired to pick up trash, we knew this had to be more than just a Band-Aid. So, we took the opportunity to zip our mouths and listen to the residents. Louise, 81-years-old and 4-foot-10 inches tall, took me by the hand to show me where her neighborhood needs help. She told me how people from outside the city are illegally dumping trash at the “bandos,” or abandoned buildings. Even worse, Louise said that the city only sends a truck once a year to clean out the alleys.

A grandmother ran out to us after seeing reports of the cleanup on the news. She has sent videos of vehicles illegally dumping in the area, but the city has not taken action. I gave her my cell number and promised to post any videos she sends me all over social media so we can combat this illegal trash dumping. I also encouraged her to knock on every one of her neighbors’ doors to tell the city how they feel.

In addition to the grandmother, I promised Louise that we would return. On Monday, Sept. 9, we are coming back to Baltimore for cleanup #2. We would like to cordially invite The Baltimore Sun to join our efforts and help pick up trash.”

Don’t tell me… Show me

The proof is in the pudding. Democrats don’t care about the homeless.  They never have cared about the homeless.  Caring for the homeless versus the goal of advancing the party, that’s what’s being weighed.  Democrats have made the decision.  It is apparent they put Party over American people. Don’t believe it? Where’s the American flag on their debate stage? What do they really want to be president of?

That is why they don’t care about Angel Moms.  They don’t care about mothers whose loved ones have been killed by illegal aliens.  They want these illegal aliens to be new voters.  It’s party over peopleThey don’t care about full term babies born live after an abortion attempt. They want to kill them. Democrats care about party. They just don’t care about people. Why do Democrats care more about illegal aliens than homeless Americans in the streets is a symptom; not the root cause.

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